Chapter 6: Ends In Smoke

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Those who look for trouble never have much trouble finding it.

(POV: Zoe)

I open the door and I'm instantly treated with a whirlwind of smells, all fruity and floral. It's almost to much and I cough as the coated air tries to enter my lungs.

The female teacher greats me and hands me a pile of what I assume is my gym clothes; a smoke gray t-shirt with a blue symbol I can only assume is the schools, and royal blue shorts to match.

I change, tie my hair up, and go into the gym which was considerably larger than my last gym. Girls stood in small groups chattering away, and boys wrestled each other, trying to assert dominance amongst them.

I walk out and instantly notice Amanda crying in the center of a circle of girls all showing her fake sympathy. They all turn and look at me.

All of them shouted something along the lines of "You freak! You hurt Amanda's feelings."

I just roll my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Princess Amanda. I shall never do that again." I say sarcastically, curtsying.

Some of the boys laugh. I smirk smartly, looking at her.

"Very funny bitch. You got balls standing up to me." Amanda sniffled.

"Yeah, the most balls in this entire room." I scoff, scanning the room. "Easily."

"You think so love?" A guy asked, a cluster of girls following him adoringly. "What about me?"

"Easily." I say coldly.

"I don't think so." He smirked, looking down at me.

"Brandon's the best football player in the school." One of the starstruck girls sighed dreamily.

"So you think your more ballsy than me?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow, apparently amused.

"And I can prove it." I say sternly crossing my arms.

"And how do you plan to do that?" He laughed.

"Fine, don't say I didn't warn you." I shrug.

"Don't worry love, you couldn't hurt me." He chuckles.

"I seriously doubt that." I mumble, taking a deep breath.

"You get the first shot." He smirked.

"Such a gentlemen." I smile sarcastically.

I punch him hard on the cheek bone, causing his neck to snap to the side. He shouts and his hand is on his bruise instantly. He tried to swing back, but misses horribly. I catch his wrist and twist his arm sharply causing him to groan painfully and pin it to his back. He tries to sweep his leg under mine to get me off my balance, and he succeeds, but I use it to my advantage, hooking my arm around his neck and fall on top of him, managing to pin him down in a headlock, cutting off his oxygen, leaving him gasping for breath.

"Alright! Alright! Break it up you two!" A teacher yells, pulling me off of him.

"You freak! You could have killed me!" He shrieked, gasping for breath.

"I warned you." I growl. "Yet you still wanted me to because you wanted to touch me."

"And why would I do that?" He asked.

"Dilated pupils, quickened heart rate I felt when I grabbed your wrist, calling me 'love'. You have a thing for me." I say rolling my eyes. "But FYI, I don't date idiot jocks, or date period."

Schooling Sherlock {ended}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang