Chapter 5: Interactions

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A man's interest in a woman must have some other reason since he can get all the talk he wants from other men.


(POV: Zoe)

I could just feel the boys eyes on me, watching me. Studying me. Like I was two chemical components he had mixed together and he was waiting to see the reaction.

I ignore him, seeing if he would just leave me alone. I was use to the starring, with my hair, and my nose piercing, but this was different, it was more of a focused stare.

"Can I help you with something?" I hiss quietly, eyes not once leaving the page.

"Quite a performance you put on up there." He muttered. "Very interesting."

I put down my book and look at him. "Yes, well, I could have done worse. I could have congratulated the girl sitting next to her. Twins." I shrug.

His eyebrow raised, surprised maybe that I mention it.

"Hmm, or how Mrs. Fusco was obviously busy with the guidance counselor, Mr. Todd before class." He smirked.

My eyes widen.

"I guess I could have." I nod. "What's your name?"

He hesitates a minute. "Sherlock Holmes." He said.

"It's different, I'll admit that." I say.

"Like Zoe's any more common." He scoffed.

"And that's why I enjoy it. Next to no one else has it. It's so uncommon that it's perfect." I say snootily.

"I can tell." He said rolling his eyes.

"And I can say the same for you. Sherlock. That's English, based off the surname shear lock if I'm not mistaken." I say smartly. "And that refers to someone with closely cut hair, unlike yourself." I say looking up at his hair, the back at his face.

He nodded, a bit shocked. "Yes, that's correct. And Zoe...Greek, meaning life, and Japanese, meaning uniquely different." He said looking me up and down.

"Yes, correct." I nod.

(POV: Sherlock)

Okay, she had to be like us. She knew what my name meant off the bat. The true definition, and what that meant.

"Like always." I sigh.

"So you are a showoffy ass." She laughed.

"Yes, you can say I am." I shrug.

She paused for a minute. "It's not entirely a bad thing. If anything, that's good."

That's good? She was like us. She had to be.

I nod, silently as she returned to her book.

I watch her intently, like if I stared hard enough I would get all the answers. I needed to read her. I couldn't just leave it alone, letting some girl walking around without being read.

Did that make me sound like a control freak?

(POV: Zoe)

He was doing it again.

The starring. He was trying to read me. But I was fine with that, because I was trying to read him too.

He was quick witted, arrogant, an ass, and a show off. But I knew this already. I also got that he was right handed, and his fingers, they're nimble and calloused in a way that shouted he played violin or viola, though violin was the more accurate assumption. 

I glanced over, ever so slightly, and see his schedule hanging out of his folder. He had a band class next. So it was true.

(POV: Sherlock)

She was observant, even if she didn't want me to think it.

The subtle glances out of the corner of her eye. When her eyes stopped gliding across the page to stop and listen, or to note she recognized my existence.

I could see her schedule in the jumble of papers on her desk, and leaned forward a bit to read them. She had gym next. I pitied her, having to be amongst those animals next period.

I noted that she smelled faintly of smoke. Fresh smoke. She had to have been smoking before class. That's why she was one minute thirty-six seconds late...not that I was counting.

She smoked like me too. This was getting odd. As long as she wasn't as much of an antisocial outcast as me, I wouldn't worry. She would suppress it if she was popular.

A girl like her would have new friends by lunch, maybe even a boyfriend. She'd forget all about the asshole she met in the back of her English class. She wouldn't be a concern anymore.

I stopped staring and looked at my desk, going into my mind palace, trying to forget this girl, this Zoe.

(POV: Zoe)

Just before the bell rung, I looked up, sliding a bookmark between the pages.

"Have fun playing violin." I say, scooping up my books as the bell rings, and start out of the room, leaving him in my dust as I hurried off to the locker room.

(POV: Sherlock)

I smiled slightly, though it was unusual for me to do, I didn't care.

She was right. I had violin next. She truly was like me. But I needed to forget her. Forget she was kind to me.

'She would be different in at lunch.' I told myself, smile vanishing, returning to my stone hard scowl. 'Once she met kids in her gym class, she would be different. She would make friends and forget all about you.'

I collect my books and walk slowly to band, watching her scurry off to the locker room, not caring if I was late, my teacher didn't either.

I took the long way 'round and ended up almost five minutes late, not that anyone noticed or even cared.

!Authors Note!

Hey everyone! I was looking through my book of quotes, you know for the beginning of chapters, and I got the idea on how this should end.

I'm warning you, this is amazing. A bit sad, and it calls for an epilogue and a possible sequel!!!!

I'm so excited! I'm drafting the ending (along with the epilogue and chapter 6) right now!!!

Can't wait!


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