Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Ruby sneered. "We'll see."

"Okay, let's go." Mike walked back in with fresh clothes and his bag under his arm.

"It was so lovely meeting you, Lexus." Ruby waved.

"It's Mercedes, Rudy." Mercedes smiled.

"How utterly forgettable."

"You should know."

Mike raised his eyebrows. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Both girls spoke.

He wasn't sure if he believed that but he let it go. "We have to go before the place fills up."

Mercedes took his hand. "Anything you want."

His brows stayed up as she stared down Ruby. "Uh huh?"

She dragged him out as Ruby called out, "Adios, Miguel!"


Mercedes paced back and forth in front of her computer and groaned. "It was like she was every snooty witch I've ever met! I wanted to pull her hair out!"

Quinn's lips twitched. "I cannot believe someone got under St. Mercy's skin."

"Stop calling me that. I'm not a saint but I feel it took one to keep me from pouncing on her."

"I would have!" Santana's voice came from Mercedes' phone on her desk.

"Don't listen to her." Quinn rolled her eyes. "You're a lady and you don't have to fight for what you already have."

"Screw that! That chick is invading your turf!" Santana snorted. "Tell her to back the hell off! Chang's yours!"

"I feel so regressed when I think about it. I'm not a cavewoman. I don't like that ownership thing that people have. I'm a twenty first century woman getting a degree and living an evolved lifestyle. Why am I getting so... primal around this girl?" Mercedes slumped into her desk chair.

"She's sniffing around your territory." Santana snapped.

"As much as it pains me to agree with this hot mess, she's right. This Ruby girl wants Mikey and as his girlfriend, you have claim on him. You just have to assert yourself." Quinn said.

"I don't want to come off as ghetto." Mercedes mumbled. "She called me Lexus."

"Get ghetto!" Santana exploded. "Get in her face and tell her to bring it!"

"I'm not like that."

"You did it to me!"


"Over Puckerman?"

"Oh yeah. But you got in my face first."

"You're going to wait for this chick to walk off into the sunset with Chang before you do something?"


"Then drop the good girl and get hood on her ass! Where's your sister when you need her?!"

Mercedes smiled. "I actually mailed the letter yesterday."

"Mailed what letter?" Santana asked as Quinn cheered.

"I found out where Marcy was and mailed her a letter. I typed it up on my stationary and everything so she'd know it was really from me."

"Did you repeat your address and telephone number?" Quinn asked.

"I gave her everything. I even let her know I'd be at home after school ends this week."

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