Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

As soon as it was safe to unbuckle their seatbelts, Aryan had excused himself into one of the bedrooms at the back of their private plane, citing work; but not without brushing his lips against her forehead. Smiling, Samaira looked out of the window and was lost in the beauty of the vast expanse of the twinkling city underneath the wings of their upward bound aircraft, blissfully unaware of the hawk-like pair of eyes scrutinising her until she heard their bearer's throat clear and go on to say excitedly, "I'm guessing my good luck kiss worked then?"

Startled by Anaya's voice, she jumped up in her seat, only to be pulled back by the restraints of the seatbelt that confined her movements. "Good luck kiss?" she asked baffled.

"Yes. I heard you saw the mark my lipstick left on my darling brother's cheek, didn't you?" Anaya chirped.

"Ah, that. I sure did," replied a distant Samaira, chuckling. Her thoughts swirled back to the happenings of the morning and how her life had escalated to dizzying heights. Just the previous night, her emotions had been so conflicting and now her head seemed somewhat clearer than before, though she still did have a few unanswered questions. She couldn't imagine how her life had changed - just three actual meetings with this grey eyed man and she had agreed to be his girlfriend. Her heart fluttered as she reminisced the moment when he dropped on his knees to ask her that life altering question. He wanted to be her boyfriend! Her world stilled right then and she knew she had to agree. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, that much was pretty evident.

Having lost all hopes of seeing him again, being shocked was an understatement when she felt his arms wind around her in the office that day. Unmistakeably it was him, the fragrance of his musky aftershave, the fabric of his suit, the way her heart fluttered when it sensed his touch. But the question was whether she wanted to forgive him after all she saw at the airport. And disaster was quickly averted with just one look into his eyes - the look of love and warmth had her floored, instantly overpowering her will. And well, the kisses that followed, she had never felt anything as close to perfection; to heaven.

Musing over the feel of his lips on hers, Samaira felt her cheeks heat up and thanked god that he had excused himself. She didn't want to look like a beetroot in front of him now, did she? As she silently laughed over how silly she was being, she turned her head to see Anaya smirked at her.

"Thinking about my brother, aren't we?" she quizzed innocently, batting her eyelashes.

"Maybe; you'll never know," Samaira teased back.

"Girl it's manifested across your face. You should see the way the two of you look at each other, the way your bodies react to each others, the way you'll behave around each other. It reminds me of stupid, crazy, lovesick teenagers who've finally found their first love," Anaya replied.

Turning scarlet once again, a small smile played on Samaira's lips as she muttered, "Sure does feel that way, I thought I wouldn't be seeing him again once I left India. I didn't know he lived here too. Besides who would've imagined, we'd be building a resort together." Suddenly she gasped, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I fell for the same jerk that stood me up for the meeting! That arrogant stuck up millionaire who didn't even call beforehand to reschedule the meeting!"

"Umm billionaire is the more precise term I think," said an amused Anaya, "You know, in the two years I've known you Sam, I've never seen you so agitated about anyone. Maybe you should let him explain why he missed that meeting, he may have a reason. The Aryan I know has always put work before anything else; he even left our family Diwali dinner halfway just last year due to some work emergency in Seattle."

"Ya maybe I'm wrong Anaya, but then there's still so many things I need an explanation to. I don't know much about him and I sure as hell don't know anything about the us that has just begun. This is just like a giant piece of a puzzle for me, you know. It feels right, it does, but then I'm wondering; is it too soon?" Looking into Anaya's serious eyes, she tried to lighten the mood and hiding her inner conflict by jokingly adding, "You're one of my closest friends in this continent yet I didn't know you even had a brother. Maybe secrecy is a part of your family's lifestyle. I shouldn't be surprised if you guys own a zoo!"

Laughing at the obvious attempt to shrug off her insecurities, Anaya responded, "No zoos; trust me." But on a serious note, she continued, "I just don't like talking much about the business and that kind of also implies that I can't really talk about my family, especially Aryan. There are money hungry girls just waiting for the opportunity to get into his pants for a free tour of how the rich live. Though he's never once kissed a girl before today, I can't help but feel protective of what the family has built from some girl trying to take advantage of my brother; hence I just don't mention it. That's why I even live in the lodgings on campus," she explained sincerely. "Wait a minute - even I didn't know you were the Samaira Khanna. Oh god! I guess we're both just stupid," she finished, rolling her eyes as she said that.
As Anaya's monologue set in, Samaira couldn't help but laugh alongside her friend, "Yes, I think that kind of makes sense. What you said, that's the core reason why I dislike disclosing my complete identity to people. Guess we're like two peas in a pod then."

"You know Sam, honestly for a minute in the penthouse I freaked out. When I overheard him asking out someone I thought he'd finally been trapped. After all these years of not bothering with girls, I thought some demoness had indeed whipped my brother. You can't believe how glad I felt that it was you," said Anaya. "You must really be special to him; he's never used the private plane without an emergency. Oh my god, I am so happy for the both of you! My brother is dating the girl without whom college would be a bore for me, Shit I'm just so excited," she squeaked.

"Umm.. thanks, I guess?" Samaira sort of questioned. And with that both girls started laughing so hard that their bellies ached, their jaws hurt and they forgot their surroundings.

"I hate to break the party, but I'm trying to work here," said a new voice. Surprisingly, the girls heard him over their mirth and quickly sobered as they saw the look on his face.

"Sorry," they both muttered simultaneously and this led to another set of giggles.

Now seemingly annoyed, Aryan walked over to Samaira, undid her seatbelt and dropping her gently over his shoulders said, "Maybe you could help me work, seeing that we're supposed to be doing up the resort together."

Electricity surged though her body as he held her, currents emanating from his body found their way to hers as he moved towards the bedroom right at the back. Without turning around, he said, "Get your beauty sleep Anu, we'll be landing in two hours. Or watch a movie if you'd like. But whatever you do, stay clear of our room," authority seeping through his mouth.

Without waiting for confirmation, he compassionately pulled Samaira over to his front, and carrying her bridal style, their eyes locked into each others, entered the aforementioned room. Clearing his throat as she was still incomprehensively ogling at him, he said, "Can you stand now, or would you like me to carry you to bed if your feet are too tired?"

"Sorry, I'll stand, put me down please," she muttered embarrassed like a deer caught between headlights.

"Sure Chocolate," he said but still continued to carry her. "You know, I love the effect I have on my girlfriend," he added, earning another blush from her. "I like having you here, safe, in my arms."
Trying to divert her gaze from his, she looked ahead, shocked to see the bouquet of roses lying in the middle of the king sized bed. In the darkened room, a single spotlight illuminated a dozen roses - eleven red and a single white one that stood out amongst the rest.
As he walked closer to the bed, still cradling her in his arms, her heartbeat picked up erratically. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins and begged to be released. As he finally lowered her on the bed, she somewhat regained her senses as his touch left her body, and that's when she saw it - a note attached to the white chocolate rose.

"In every bunch, there's one that stands out - and you are that one for me.
-Yours, Drink Boy"

Authors Note: Happy Birthday Jeni! I love you my walking buddy! ❤️

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