Chapter three

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Chapter Three

"6:30 am, Dad! What's wrong? This better be an emergency. God I've only slept for three hours!!" Samaira exclaimed as she unwillingly got out of bed to face her father. "Explain!"

"Good morning to you too," he chuckled.

"Not funny dad! Spill it! I can't wait to go back to sleep."

"I don't think you'll be sleeping anytime soon, young lady," he said.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Ok ok sorry. Listen up. You remember the collaboration I talked to you about Sam? About the hotel at San Francisco which we want to turn into a resort?" He sheepishly asked.

"Yes Dad. What about it?"

"Ummm... Well, I forgot to mention, it just slipped out of my mind Beta, uhh we have a breakfast meeting at 7:45 am, at our hotel. I'd appreciate it if you could accompany me as you are going to take over the business one day. I don't think your sister is really interested in it and she's got a promising career already apart from all the help she gives us. I want you to head that project any way. So it's best if you come along today." He said grinning, hoping she would agree.

"No way dad! I'm still too young to head a project. I don't even have the experience. Besides, I'm on vacation Dad! You promised not to get me involved in anything this week. I've come here for Aarti's wedding and then I'll be gone!" She said irritated.

"Come on Princess; please listen to your old man. You're experienced enough, you already handle most of our business in North America, isn't San Francisco a part of it? It was your mothers dream project, don't you remember?" He sighed after the question.

Yes, how could she forget? Her mother had always dreamt of expanding their hotel business into resorts and it was she who decided the San Francisco property would be the best bet for the first resort. She remembered the spark in her mother's eyes every time she spoke about it and smiled, hoping that the waterworks wouldn't start. She didn't want to breakdown in front of her father lest he started crying himself. She couldn't bear that.

Normally, they would never discuss her mother since her death last year due to a fatal car accident. Her mother used to manage all the events at the hotel. She was on her way home from the hotel after a late night page3 event, when a drunken teenager rammed his car into hers, killing both her and the chauffeur on the spot. Those were dark days and nobody wanted to relive them in any way.

Looking into her father's eyes, she could see the pain he tried to mask and grudgingly agreed. "I'll be ready in half an hour. But I've to be home soon, as I'm expected at Aarti's house."

"Yes, it won't take very long, we just need to meet with Mr. Kapoor to propose our final plans and convince him to collaborate, he has a huge business, and its best we become partners rather than rivals. It would benefit both parties. We've had previous discussions with him. This deal just needs to get signed. I'll leave you to get ready now, meet me down when you're done," he kissed her cheek and left the room.

Groaning, she went to shower and dressed up in a crisp white shirt and beige skirt. She combed her hair and put it in a loose bun. Putting on her pumps, she took one last look at her reflection and decided against any makeup. She didn't have to impress anyone anyway. Her eyes had a trace of dark circles due to the last few sleep deprived nights and she decided she'd have to cover them up later for the function. She couldn't wait for this meeting to get over with as she had a long day ahead.

Once downstairs, she greeted her father and they made their way to the hotel, reaching with fifteen minutes to spare. She marvelled at the reception and couldn't help but look at the interiors in awe. Every time she came here, she was spellbound. It always reminded her of her mother, and the beauty she exuded. Somehow she felt like her mother was alive and everything in this hotel oozed the aura that her mother had possessed.

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