Chapter Nine

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Another week passed by and Samaira couldn't take it anymore. For once, even her studies couldn't distract her any longer. Those tests she gave at university, she was lucky to have scraped through. That's the lowest she had ever spiralled academically. All because of that two-timing, lying, deceiving, douche bag who literally left her high and dry. What the hell was she thinking?? How could he be any different? Wasn't he a boy after all?

A man, corrected her inner voice. He definitely wasn't a boy anymore.

Shaking her head with exasperation, she wallowed in anger. A fury dissimilar to one she had ever lived through - first directed at him, then at the stupid heart attack and lastly but most importantly at herself! Didn't she know not to mess with fire again? Wasn't her just healing heart a proof of how badly she had been broken before? How could she have let go so easily and fallen for his charms, his magnetic grey eyes and his enamouring looks? She was just as naive as before. No, that wasn't even an excuse.

One bitten, twice shy. That's what they say, don't they? But why hadn't she been shy? Even after the years of friendship, though it hadn't remained as strong after her move, she wasn't attracted to Karan, then why Aryan of all people? Why did he have the competence to make her feel weak in the knees just by looking into his freakishly sexy eyes?

He had felt different, hadn't he? Like he was made for her. He called her beautiful; no other man had said that in the 21 years of her existence. Her heart countered.

But he turned out to be just like the rest of the lot, didn't he? The overactive part of her brain defied her agreements.

Contradicting her cerebrum, the rational part of her brain said, maybe it wasn't what it looked like? It was a mistake?

But that was considerably the most irrational thought she had processed tonight. How can any explanation justify the kiss, and him sweeping that girl off her feet and carrying her bridal style out of the bloody airport???

Incensed with the playback of the image in her mind, she punched her fist into the wall. Wow. That was another first. Never had she lost control so bad that she would resort to hurting herself physically! After she had absolutely renounced alcohol she found an easy answer to any issue that seemed to overpower her. Whenever she had a problem, all she would do was bury her face into one of those geeky books that had theory after theory for increasing profits or being a better leader or something else business related. The more complicated it was, and the more numbers involved, the better she could cope. But this time it was different. Nothing could distract her. NOTHING at all. It was as if her entire being had been betrayed.

Unfortunately things at home weren't better. Ankita was on an outstation photo shoot, probably one of the Fashion Weeks that Samaira hadn't bothered to keep up with. Having her close was rewarding, even if she didn't actually spill the beans, the lovely overprotective elder sister that she was, Ankita would immediately know that her little sisters heart was wounded and would make it her mission to help her fix it until she wasn't back on track.

She froze when she heard a loud sound close by. For a moment her heart stopped beating and then she realised it was just the stupid new ringtone that she had set for her cellphone that morning. Walking across the room, she picked up the phone to find her dad's picture smiling from the screen. Taking a deep breath, she hoped nothing was amiss as she answered the call.

"Hi Dad," she chirped in the keenest voice she could muster.

"Sam, how are you doing? Did the tests go well? We haven't spoken in a while," replied an equally enthusiastic father. The only difference - his happiness was genuine.

She suddenly felt lightheaded, if anything was wrong, her father would have gone straight to the point. Trying to deflect the question, she replied "Papa, it's barely been a week. Besides you've been constantly updating me about Dadaji's health. I take it he's better now that you've actually had the time to call? You've barely slept between his health and work pressure."

"Well beta, he's still the same - needs care and has to be kept away from worry. But the doctors are hopeful as there isn't more lasting damage. They did shed light on the sudden stopping of his heart though. Apparently, his diabetes shot up out of the blue and consequently he suffered from myocardial infarction. We didn't even know he had diabetes! Luckily, his eyesight is intact; the doctors seemed to be glad that it was his heart and not the eyes. Ironical but true."

"Thank God he's fine dad. And that they were able to save him before any major harm. Can I speak with him please?" Samaira questioned, silently praying that he would be absolutely recovered soon.

"Actually, I didn't call you to talk about him, though you could always call on the house phone later. I'm at the hotel presently," pausing for a moment, he continued, "It's about the meeting with the Kapoor's. I've scheduled it for tomorrow, 10:00 am your time. I hope that's ok? There was a slight delay from their end. I was informed of some internal issue within the management, but as that's been resolved they are keen to sign on the dotted line. Remember, it's an equally big break for us. We can count it as your mother's last wish; though well never actually know what that was," she heard his voice stumble as he finished.

Before either of them could delve into the thought of her mother's premature departure, she replied. "Of course I'll go Papa. Don't worry; it's going to be my topmost priority. I've studied everything about the project. You know I won't let you down right?" she quizzed to lighten his mood.

"Yes baby, I know. Ok listen; my next meeting is here, so we'll catch up later. Good luck and take care princess," he said abruptly before the line went dead. She wouldn't be surprised that he hung up to wipe away the tears that fell whilst talking about his beloved wife.

Contemplating her a few minutes, she stood rooted on the spot. Finally, winning her battle, she made her decision.

Love before lust.

Thanking her stars that Ankita wasn't around, she opened the window to the widest it would and inhaled the fresh air. This time, she would fix herself up. She didn't need anyone to be her guiding light. Not another thought would be spared on that incorrigible man; instead she would focus all her energy on getting her mother's dream project off the shelf and making it a reality.

She couldn't wait for the sun to rise over the Empire State. She had an appointment to attend.

The Best Friend of the Bride (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें