Grey had been walking through the trees for a few minutes now. He was slightly enjoying the quiet atmosphere that the forest had. But, he still had a job to do, so after kneeling down, he started searching the ground for any kind of tracks.

He looked at the ground looking for marks, broken tree branches, or even rubbish. You can't be too picky about tracks at a time like this.

He finally found something, paw marks with some claws visible. From his training, he realized that they were possibly marks left by a tiger, because of the shape and size. Normally, this would be a cause for concern for most people, but the Abyss Watcher was actually pleased.

'If there is a predator, then there is a prey,' that was one of the things his foster father taught him. It meant that if a tiger was around, then there's is something worth hunting for it to be here.

After standing up, the Abyss Watcher started following the trail left by the jungle cat. He found the rest of the claw marks, along with broken tree branches, and even signs of another animal, which confirmed his earlier thoughts.

He finally found his target or two of them to be exact. A tiger that was apparently stalking a lost deer. The deer was drinking from a small bond of water, while the tiger was stalking towards it from between the bushes.

Grey had two choices in this situation. He could either get rid of the tiger first, then get the deer, or he could attack the deer now, and deal with the tiger, who is bound to be angry about losing his prey, afterward.

The first choice would give the deer a chance to escape, so he opted to take the second one. Grabbing the handle of his sword, he drew it, positioned himself by moving his left leg forward, raising his sword, and pointing the tip at the deer.

In nothing but a second, Grey dashed forward swinging his sword, cutting off the deers head. The body fell lifeless on the ground as the neck started spelling blood.

The Abyss Watcher swung his sword, cleaning the blood on it as he looked at the deer. He looked at where the tiger is, and it seemed to be taking a few steps back. Unsurprising, seeing the difference in size between those two.

Noticing that the tiger was already getting back, Grey swung his sword again turning around to the tiger for intimidation. Thinking that the body of a deer wasn't worth it, the tiger walked away.

The Abyss Watcher sighed as he looked at the body again. Now, all he has to do is take it back, probably grab some firewood for cooking, too.

It has been thirty minutes, and Ahri was still in the same spot she was in, sitting on the edge of the carriage, waiting for the Abyss Watcher. The driver had already fallen asleep where his seat was.

She didn't know what she was thinking. She should have known better than to think he would actually come back, let alone find something.

Ahri sighed knowing that her haunting conscience is one of the reasons she's heading towards the Institute of War. She couldn't help it.

She turned to the carriage, ready to take something to eat. Maybe a couple of eggs and some milk. If the driver is mad, she'll just use her magic on him.

Suddenly, her ears started twitching as she heard something. It sounded like something was being dragged through the ground.

Ahri looked at the forest and raised her hand, preparing to use some magic just in case whatever was coming is hostile.

What came from the forest, much to her surprise, was the Abyss Watcher, dragging a headless deer by the feet while holding a stack of wood in his other hand.

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