Tipping the Scales

Start from the beginning

Glancing over at the boy at the same time he looked at me, I noticed we had all paired together; Allison's hand falling into the boy's beside her as we all looked at each other.

"Run." At the single word that spilled from Scott's mouth, we all rushed to the stairs, stumbling up them as we pushed our pace to accelerate. Knowing I shouldn't, but needing to check on my sister, I glanced behind us as we ran. Relieved that for now both of the people behind us were okay, it didn't last long as I saw how close the animal behind us had gotten.

Letting out a small shriek, I turned back around, following after Stiles as we slammed through a set of blue doors.

Right into the worst place possible.

Like I had said earlier, the cafeteria was a no go zone due to the literal wall of freaking windows that it inhabited. Apparently no one else but Stiles got the memo as they began frantically stacking things in front of the double doors.

"Scott, wait. Not here." No one seemed to listen as Allison threw questions Scott's way as if any of us could answer them.

Hearing my sisters clipped voice, I dropped Stiles' hand and walked across until I had her pulled in my arms, trying to soothe her as she gripped onto me for dear life.

Looking over at Stiles, I noticed he was once again trying to get their attention. "Guys?! Just wait a second. You guys, listen to me, wait. Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking."

Getting tired of how no one was paying attention to the boy that was trying to save their lives, I decided to take matters into my own hands. "Hey, idiots!" Abruptly, everyone spun around with wide eyes, wondering what could possibly be more important than barricading the doors. "If any one of you were paying attention, you wouldn't have failed to notice that we have a really big problem." Rubbing Lydia's arm as she shivered in fright, I pointed over to the boy in front of said problem.

"Okay. Yeah. Nice work. Really, beautiful job everyone. Now, what should we do about the twenty-foot wall of windows?" Stepping back, he showcased the wall with his arms spread wide as I continued to try and console my sister.

She shouldn't even be here.

I felt myself grow angry at the fact that she was in danger. Whether it was at myself for not keeping her safe, Jackson for bringing her here, Scott for simply being a werewolf, or the alpha for being psychotic, I wasn't sure. I was just angry.

Keeping Lydia in my arms, I held her a bit tighter, trying to do everything I could to keep her intact. The brief pause in the air after Stiles and I's exclamations was cut short as Allison cried out.

"Could someone please explain to me what's going on because I am freaking out here. And I would-I would really like to know why." Looking over, I noticed Allison's focus was once again on Scott; the Scott who seemed to be freaking out over what to say and do. "Scott?"

With that the boy walked away from his girlfriend, leaning against a table as I shushed the shaking girl in my arms who had looked at me in a panic.

"Somebody killed the janitor." At the gravely sounding words, I whipped my head around to look at the culprit; Stiles.

"What?" At the word torn from my sister's lips, I continued moving my arm up and down her arm from where it had stilled a moment ago.

"Yeah, the janitor's dead."

"What is he talking about? Is this a joke?" The hysteria in Allison's voice made me tear my eyes over to her rattled form; worried about my friend.

"What? Who killed him?" Glancing at Jackson, I quickly moved my eyes back to Allison, trying to make sure she was alright.

"No, no, no, no, no. This-this was supposed to be over..the mountain lion killed-"

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