Chapter 1: The Intro

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I smile to hide my pain. My friends think I'm the most happiest person there is at school. Yes I help everyone else, saying 'you are to good for the world, don't give up please'. In all truth, I'm not okay. I get beat at home and at school. I cut when nobody is around, but nobody notices.


It's just another day at school and my father is yelling at me, saying how I'm 'not worthy enough to be alive'. I skip breakfast, as always, and ride the bus to school with Liam.

"Hey, did you eat breakfast today?" he asked me.

"Nah," I manage to mumble out before a kid came over and shoved me out of my seat.

"What's up fag?!" he yells.

Right now I'm on the floor, trying to hide the scars on my arms. He has no right to call me that.

"I said what's up!"


"Whatever. See you in the halls." He has a rude tone.

Liam helps me up. "You okay, Ash?"

"I'm fine," I whisper.


I nodded. That's when he just shook his head, not believing me one bit. "You're aren't, but whatever." Then he grabbed a glazed donut from his bag. "Sorry, I didn't have breakfast this morning so I'm eating now." A couple seconds later, Liam asked, "Would you like a donut? I have another."

I shook my head.

Soon we got to one of the many hell holes in my life. I get to my homeroom class, which I don't have with Liam. Or my other friend Louis. The teacher is talking bullshit about how we need to behave and other shit. Soon after, I see someone come into the room. He has galaxy-like hair. He hands the teacher a note, who just nods. "Go over there," he says. He points to an empty seat. I don't know which one because we have three different seats.


I turned, "Yeah Zayn?"

"Did you do that math homework we had to do? I didn't understand it at all."

"No. I had no time."

"What?! You always have time though."

"Family issues."

"Oh. Wanna work on it right now then?"

I shrug. We have math next anyways. We never do anything in homeroom, so this is what Zayn and I do every day: work on our homework together. I find it useless to do since I'm failing all classes anyways. Even P.E. because I don't change for it.

"Mr. Carter makes this math so hard to understand," Zayn tells me.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

I heard someone sit in the seat next to me, then Calum walks over to me. "Hey, sorry I'm late. I slept in too late and had to get Luke."

Luke is in Liam's homeroom along with Louis. I always go to my friends' houses to avoid mine. Although, I have never been to Zayn's. All my friends have never been to my house, for the reason a have previously given from the morning.

"Dang. You haven't done it either?" Cal asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Nah," Zayn said.

We all sat there doing our math and when we finished the bell rang. So I grabbed my things and headed to math.


I sat there just listening to Liam and Luke talk. Well, that's what they thought. I was really thinking what happened at home this morning.



"Harry, we can't just do this and act like nothing is wrong. They turn 19 soon."

"We can't tell them."

"Well they have a right to know."

"Niall, I will not tell them that, we can wait until they are older."

"What if it happens without us telling them that they can?"

"Who'll make that happen? If they like the same sex, we don't know so we can't do anything."



I looked up.

"Great you're out of your daze. Math starts in a second." Liam says.

The others show up and we begin the lesson. Ashton and Zayn are sitting in the back like they always do, then there is Cal and Luke in front of them. Beside Luke, on his right, is Liam, and by Cal, on his left, is me. The teacher put us that way. I've only been to Luke's and Calum's houses. Obviously I've been to mine and Liam's mainly because we are twin brothers. But for Ashton and Zayn, I can't say I have. They know who our parents are and our lives at home too, but we don't know anything about theirs.

So I figured, why the fuck not. "Hey Ash?"


"I was wondering something."


"How come we never met your family. I mean, yo-"

"No! We don't talk about that!"

He yelled. I've never heard him yell. By now the whole class was looking at us.

He stormed out of the room with is stuff on the table.

"What'd you say to him?" Liam asked.

"I just asked about his family," I whispered back.

"What?! Why?" He whisper-yelled.

"I'm not too sure. Sorry Li," I looked down.


I ran after Ashton, not even caring about my stuff.

"Hey, you can't leave!" I heard Mr. Carter yell after me, but I still ran.

I got halfway through the hallway and saw him. "Ash?"

He was rocking back and forth, ignoring me. Then I heard a sniffle. I sat next to him and pulled him into a hug.

He pushed away from me. "Go away," he mumbled.

"What happened?" In all truth, I don't know a whole lot about Ashton. He is always quiet, and wears long sleeves. I mean, I do, but there is a reason for that.

He got up and started to run again. I walked back to class. There was no point to chase him again.

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