"Kiss me right now you idiot" I whispered

Instantly his hand moved to the back of my neck and pulled me in for deep kiss.



Yes. The day Had finally come .

The day I had been preparing for, for a long time now.
The day that would either make me or break me completely.

"Calm down. It's going to be fine" Eric said holding my shoulders reassuringly.

"Don't fcking tell me to calm down! My exam is in three hours. And..and ... I'm not ready!... I need more time.... can I have more time?....may be I should move the date"

"Danielle!" Eric exclaimed " You are fine. Relax please" his voice was firm enough to make me calm down.

A little bit.

I sighed, and pinched the bridge of my nose to calm myself.

"You have more faith in me than I have in myself" I muttered shutting my eyes.

"Well you should start having faith in yourself. Because you have worked so hard for this. You are smart Danielle. All you need now is to believe" he said calmly and placed a palm on my cheek.

"- and no matter what happens, I love you and would always be here for you. Remember that"

The way he spoke brought me a wave of confidence that made me relax even more.
So I nodded, and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you Eric. For everything" I muttered, shutting my eyes as I enjoyed the warmth of his embrace.

He tightened the hug for a second and then released me.

"Ready?" He asked staring straight in my eyes.

"Ready" I replied


"Wish you all the best in the exam" Mrs Lopez said giving me a warm hug "you deserve it. You have worked so hard"

I smiled " Thank you Mrs Lopez. For all the support. You have been wonderful. I owe you so much "

"No way Danielle. I should be thanking you.Cos even though it seems Eric has been the one teaching you a lot, the truth is you have taught him a lot too. You have helped him be a better man, and that my dear is priceless"

She hugged me a few more times before Eric cleared his throat.

"We should get going. If we don't want to be late" he said and I pulled away from the hug reluctantly.

"Drive safe" Mrs Lopez said as we walked out of the house.

My father had also called me earlier that morning to wish me good luck.
"Don't be nervous.I know you can do this. You have worked so hard for this and this time, I'm very confident you'd make it" he had told me but it only made me increasingly nervous about how many people I would disappoint if all didn't go Well.

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