The fencing instructor came inside to speak with Adrien as well as the other girl so you slipped around the corner and left the locker room.


From: Miss Blogger

"Hey girl we're meeting at Juleka's place for a serious girl talk. We need all the help we can get. I'll send you the address."

You sighed with relief. Finally something to get your mind of off all this boy drama.

In less than a minute Alya messaged you the address and you were walking to Juleka's house. Since the akuma attack happened, classes were cut short and so was Adrien's fencing lesson. You were pretty sure he wouldn't mind if you dipped to go somewhere else.

You sighed as you walked down the streets of Paris. Four more months and you would be gone...


You arrived at the house- or should you say, boat. It was alarming large with clutter all over the place, you weren't sure if you should knock or just climb aboard.

"H-Hello...?" you whispered, looking around for any signs of life.

"[Y/N]...?" a familiar voice asked as you turned to meet a pair of blue eyes.

"Oh hey Luka what are you doing here?" you asked tilting your head like a confused puppy.

"I kinda live here.." he said with a chuckle, brushing his bangs out of his face.

"YOU LIVE HERE?" You deadpanned recalling that he did tell you he lived on a boat.

Luka chuckled as he brushed his bangs out of his face "You're a funny girl [Y/N], let me help you up" he extended his hand which you took as he helped you climb aboard the ship.

"Thank you, do you have any idea where the girls are?" You asked as you let go of his hand looking around once more.

"Down the stairs to your right, they're in the living room" he replied as you nodded and took off.

"Thanks Luka!" You said as you rushed down the stairs, hoping you weren't late to the girl talk.


"Okay girls we need ideas quick!" Alya demanded as she snapped her fingers.

"Tell him that you already planned to go hang with your gfs" Alix suggested

"Actually girls I dont think I want to cancel.." Marinette sighed as she let down her head.

You rushed in to find the girls all huddled up in a circle. They all started at you blinking with confusion.

" lost on the way..haha.." you tried to play it off with an innocent smile but they all just erupted into laughter.

"Its okay girl just have a seat, we were just talking about what Marinette should do." Rose said as she patted the seat next to her.

You accepted her offer as you sat down and could tell that Marinette was bummed about something.

"Soo what exactly is going on..?" You asked looking up to meet everyones faces.

"Marinette got herself in a situation where Adrien is going to the ice skating rink with her and Kamagi! It'll be so awkward!" Alya stated with a huge hand gesture.

You eye twitched as you looked at Marinette.."Why dont I just come with you?"

Everyone gasped and Marinette looked up at you with sinister eyes, "'d do that for me?" She questioned.

"Of course, think of it as a girls date!" You giggled which seemed to cheer her up.

"Alright then its settled, Im gonna go to the ice rink with Adrien!..a-and [Y/N]!" She corrected herself as she very quickly almost forgot that you were going with her.

Everyone cheered and went in for a group hug which you perfectly timed to duck and avoid it. Hugs weren't your thing. You timed your escape very stealthily as you tip toed upstairs and made your way home, this would take a lot of preparing..


"Say..are you free tomorrow..?"

A/N: Im not dead you fuckers

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A/N: Im not dead you fuckers

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