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Bright and Clef walk down the hall towards the mess hall, wide smiles on both their faces. "We did it Alto. We've got the girl."

"Yes we do. While she's at our place, I'm going to do some snooping through her house. Something has to be hurting her, and I'm going to hurt it."

"And if it's anomalous?" Bright quizzes.

Clef shrugs. "Detain it, maybe neutralize it."

"Let's assume Lilith is a humanoid like Ross, she clearly has an emotional attachment to it. She'll be upset that she's been found out as well."

"Then we'll just keep her at our house until it's handled. We are her boys, she should want to be with us anyway."


Once the two doctors have their food they go back to Brights office, joking with one another until they get inside the office and see a sleeping Ross. They exchange a look, Alto taking off his oversized jacket and carefully setting it over her like a blanket.

"She must've been more tired than she was letting on." Jack whispers, setting their food down on his desk.

"Clearly, not even gone five minutes and she's out." Alto brushes his fingers over her head, detangling a few of the curls. "Maybe I should take her home now? If there's a breach we can't have her here."

Jack nods, taking a bite of his sandwich. "I like that idea. Want me to cover for you?"

"Yeah, just tell them Ross threw up so I had to take her home." He picks her up as slowly as he could, making sure not to wake her.

"You're the liar Clef, not me. Go take her home and make sure she's comfortable." Ross shifts in Altos arms, curling up closer to his chest in her sleep. Jack smiles, petting her head gently. "I love her, Clef. I really do."

"I love her too. I gotta get going before she wakes up. I love you, don't do anything I'd do."

"Yes sir~" Jack kisses his cheek. "Go take care of our darling, I'll make sure everything goes smoothly here."

He chuckles, genuine happiness bubbling in his stomach, "Yes dear."


Ross wakes up to a radio playing some Spanish station and cussing. She goes into panic mode and begins trying to get out of the car, scared in her drowsy state.

"Woah woah Ross! It's just me!" She knew that voice.

"Alto? Why are we in the car-" she cuts herself off with a coughing fit.

"That's why. Do you want me to carry you in, or can you walk alright?" Clef undoes his seatbelt, reaching over to undo hers too.

"I can walk. Carrying around a big girl like me will hurt your back." She opens the car door and stands up, looking at Clef and Brights house. "Wow.... your house is nice."

Alto frowns at her comment about herself. You aren't big, you're perfect. "Really? You like it?"

She nods, looking over to him. "I do. If you and Jack didn't live here, I think I'd try to get it."

He smiles, gesturing to the front door. "Why don't you take a look inside, maybe you'll wanna stay with us?"

She giggles, leaning on his shoulder. "You know I couldn't, this is your home."

"It could be your home too." He mutters, putting his arm around her waist. "I don't like the idea of you living alone, just please consider it while you stay here?"

"But what about Lilith?"

"She'll be fine, you took care of her before you passed out, remember?" That's a lie, but she won't find out.

"If I remembered I wouldn't ask, Alto."

He rolls his eyes, pulling her into the warm house. "Welcome home, you're going to love it here."

"You're talking like I agreed to live with you."

He smirks, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Yeah? Well you will, trust me." They both take off their shoes and leave them in the mud room on their way into the actual house. Clef watches her every move in the corners of his eyes, so so excited that his second love is finally home. He smiles as she looks around the tan colored living room, feeling a jump of pride in his chest. "You stay here for a sec, I'll go grab you some of Jacks clothes to wear for pajamas."

Alto runs away before Ross can say anything, her choking on another coughing fit. "Fucking damnit," she mutters, sitting down on the brown couch so she could gather her breath.

The tubby blonde appears not even a moment later with a white tee shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. "These good enough doll? They're a little big."

"I think they're good, than-" more coughing rips through her.

Alto kneels down in front of her, hugging her gently as she coughs into his shoulder. "I'm glad I got you home, you're dying over here." He jokes once her coughing stops.

"I guess.... here, I'll go change. Thank you, Alto." She takes the clothes from Alto, awkwardly smiling.

"Do you need help? You might have another fit and fall." He stands up, helping her up and supporting her.

"I'll be fine, if I need help I'll shout." She gives Alto a little squeeze, reassuring him.


Ross comes out of the bathroom wearing Jacks clothes, tightening the pants. "Alto! Where are you?"

"Bedroom! Comere, you need to lie down." Alto tosses another pillow onto the bed when Ross comes in, smiling proudly. "This look comfy enough?"

"It does...... don't you and Jack sleep in here?" She leans against the door frame, looking around the room and the picture frames.

"We do, but I'm going to be working nights for a little while, so it's just gonna be you and Jack until the 05 get their shit together."

"Oh...... I don't want you guys getting sick..."

"We won't. Unlike you, we actually see doctors regularly."

"Now you listen here music man!"

"I'm listening pretty woman~" Clef steps into her personal space, sneaking his hand onto her hip.

"Clef, you're in a relationship-" She tries to back up, running into the wall.

"And he likes you too. Come on Ross, I know you like us, just give in."

"Alto I'm sorry but the answer is-"

"Yes!" Alto grabs onto her, trapping her against his chest as she began to struggle.

"Alto stop! Please stop-" she kicks and pushes, but he keeps holding onto her tighter.

"She sent you to me, I'm not losing you too."

Ross felt a pin prick on her neck, the world around her going dark as the floor seemed to rise to catch her fall. She heard Altos voice as her eyelids slid closed and her mind began going blank.

"Shh shhh, it's okay darling, me and Jack will make you happy."

SCP Yandere Clef x Bright x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon