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Clef sits on his half of the bed, Ross under his arm with Keys snuggled into her mothers side, fast asleep. "She looks just like you, sorta acts like you too."

"Does she? I never noticed." Ross plays with her child's hair, watching her breathe silently. "She's so clever, I'm surprised she immediately trusted you and Jack so whole heartedly."

"She knows we're going to be a good and happy family. Jack and I will be good dads to her, shes such a sweet kid."

"For the first year I worked at the site I always had her to my chest, everyone in the office adored her, even Cimmerian thought she was a darling. This was back when I just did paperwork though, once I started moving up I had to start leaving her with Lilith."

"Wish I had been there, I've missed out on a lot." Silence settles over the three for a minute before Clef speaks again. "Who exactly is Lilith? She looks just like you."

"That's.... a long story. But to make it short, after you left, a reality bender ripped my being in half. Lilith is all the rage I bottled up for years, all that anger and wishes for death.... she's the worst half of me." She frowns, feeling Clef give her a squeeze. "She's everything I hated about myself, the blood on my hands, my sadness, everything.... I wish she was dead."

Clef raises his eyebrows at Rosses declaration. "Oh? But you two have been hand in hand for so long, have you always wanted her gone?

"Not always, at first I was grateful to even have a person to be with..... then she got violent. It doesn't happen often anymore, I'm stronger than her now, but there's still times."

"That.... sounds very familiar. Has she ever hurt Keys?"

Ross shakes her head. "If she hurt my baby she wouldn't be alive right now. Keys has been the only thing keeping me going for years now, I love her more than anything."

Clef smiles a bit, Ross finally has what he hadn't been able to give her since their sons fight, and he was happy..... but he wanted more.



"Would you want more? More kids I mean."

"I've learned not to get my hopes up Alto, just because my 'punishment' is bearing children doesn't mean I can still do it."

He nods. "Is there a reason you named Lilith after my first wife?"

"It just felt right. One of those things, you know?"

"And her sight?" When Ross doesn't answer him for a minute he raises an eyebrow. "Oh? You not proud of something?"

Ross glares up at him. "I'm not a saint, never have been, never will be. I'm not above using violence to protect my children."

Alto chuckles, giving her a squeeze. "You'll never change Ross, even if you're not all together. We'll figure something out to do with her, she tried to take a chunk out of my shoulder earlier."

"So thats why I woke up to something slamming against the wall, I was wondering about that." Ross shifts herself and Keys so she can get a better look at Alto. "Did she hurt you?"

"Nah, I can take you in a fight so she was nothing." He grabs the blanket and pulls it over them. "Bed time, Rossie. I'll take you to work in the morning to sort stuff out."

She pulls the blanket over Keys, making sure she's covered. "Alright.... thank you."

Tell him the truth, keep him happy.

"I love you, Adam."

"I love you too, Eve."


SCP Yandere Clef x Bright x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें