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Jack leads Ross into the kitchen with his hands over her eyes. "Just one minute then you can rest, okay?"

"Jack.... ugh, fine, just a minute." Ross puts her hands over his and starts trying to make him let go. "Let me see, I want to see this 'surprise'!"

He laughs, looking to Keys who gives him a thumbs up. "Alright, surprise!" He takes his hands off her eyes and watches as her angry expression turns into a happy one.

"Oh my! This is so sweet you two."

"I know you like chocolate strawberries mama, so we made you this!" Keys runs around the table and hugs her mom, snuggling her face into her mother's shoulder.

Ross hugs her daughter back, looping Jack into it. "Thank you, I love it. I can't eat any right now, but how about tomorrow when I'm feeling less nauseous?"

"That sounds fair mama, I hope you feel better soon." She kisses her moms cheek. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed, it's almost midnight."

"That's a good idea, kiddo. I'll take care of your mom, go do your thing." Jack shoos the teen out of the room, taking a look at Ross. "You feeling any better after seeing Cain?"

"I feel more comfortable knowing you two were telling the truth, yes." Ross sits down at the table, admiring their messy work on the cake. "Did you help?"

"Mhm!" Jack hums proudly, taking a seat next to her. "I figured it was a good chance to bond, Keys is a good kid." He grabs a wine bottle from the table and starts to uncork it until Ross grabs his wrist.

"We need to talk, please. No booze until we're done." She takes the bottle from him and sets it back down.

Jack knows where this is going, she wants him to sober up. He folds his hands and looks down at the table. "If this is about my drinking problem.... I know, and I'm gonna change. Thanks for taking the bottle..."

"Don't thank me yet Jack, I want to talk to you about a couple things, the drinking just one of them." Ross grabs his chin and makes him look at her. "Be sober, learn the word no," she brushes some of his hair out of his face, "and talk to me, please. We have similar feelings towards our immortality, I may outlive my daughter, you're not alone anymore Jack."

He doesn't even realize he's crying until Ross starts to wipe away his tears. "I don't want to keep outliving my friends and family Ross, I want them to stay."

Ross pulls him into a hug, putting her chin on top of his head. "I know honey, I know." She squeezes him tighter as he sobs into her shirt, his grip on her growing tighter. Maybe this is why he loves her and Alto? He's scared of being abandoned again. "We aren't gonna leave you, okay? You don't have to be alone anymore."

Jack sniffles, trying to get his words out without crying again. "Promise?"

"I promise."


Alto has learned to expect the unexpected in his 300,000 years of life. If there's a chance its gonna happen, it's gonna happen. What he didn't expect though, was his wife and husband cuddled up in their bed with the TV still playing and soda cans everywhere. He marvels at the scene in front of him for a moment, a small smile on his face. Maybe this time, it really will work out.

"Alto?" Ross mumbles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Come to bed, please?"

"Yeah, I will, just let me take a shower darlin'." He hears an grunt from the pile of limbs and blankets, Jack pulling Ross closer to him. "Aw, jealous Jackie? Don't worry, I'll let you keep holdin' her." He ruffles the gingers hair, pulling open one of his drawers to get some pajamas. "Did you two have a party or something?"

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