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"Come on you two, Geralds already at the car!" Ross yells, kissing Keys forehead as she rushes out the door. "I'm going to leave without you!" The men rush out the door behind Ross, quickly saying their goodbyes to Keys, Jack nearly tripping on his way out the door. "Jack be careful!" She gets into the back of the car, Alto getting in the driver's seat.

Gerald tries to get into the back seat with Ross, but Jack shoves him out of the way. "Try again!" He scoots into the backseat, grinning as Gerald sits in the front seat.

"Geez Jack, you could've just asked..."

"Just did!"

"Quit it Jack. Morning Gerald, how are you doing?"

"Oh I'm doing just fine Lori, would be better if Jack wasn't in a mood though."


Jack watches one of the two instances of 131 zoom around Rosses legs as she sets up the test they had agreed on for the Eye Pods. "Do you need help setting up Rossie?"

"No no, you do paperwork, I do set up, that was the deal Jack." Ross picks up the yellow Eye Pod and holds it as she adjusts what the little thing had been sitting on. "Remember, we want them to actually learn from this, no crazy expectations."

"I know, I know. A maze should be easy for them though."

"I still wanna know how you came up with this idea, I refuse to believe you did it yourself."

Jack grins crossing his legs. "It was TJ actually, he read a book about scientists doing it with rats."

"Clever boy, how's he related to you again?"

"Ha ha ha, you almost done?"

"Finished, lets see how this goes."
Alto looks out the truck window as they pass through an old, rotting villiage, alreading missing his family. Ross had held his hand and made him promise to come home safe, Jack nodding along and making him swear on his love for the kids. This mission isn't supposed to be dangerous, but anything can happen when it comes to anomolies. "Hey, Agent Rabbit?"

"Yes Doctor?" Rabbit gives him half of her attention, keeping her eyes trained on the road.

"You have kids? Any family?"

"I have a fiance, that's all. Mom and dad passed when I was in highschool. Why?"

"Just curious." He thinks for a moment before another question pops up. "Do you miss your partner when you go on missions?"

"Of course I do, they're all I have. Even on normal paperwork days I miss the fucker and their bad jokes." Rabbit takes a sharp turn. "Why? Missing Dr. Bright already?"

Clef grabs into the dashboard, trying to keep himself in his seat. "And Dr. Lori, and my kids..... man I wish we were allowed to keep our phones on missions."

"I get that, they mean a lot to you. Maybe if you put in a few more complaints they'll give in and let us keep em."

"Nah, that's your job Hops."

"Thanks Alto, fuck you."

"You wish, Bunnymunn."

"Good job! I'm so proud of you!" Ross praises the little creatures as they finish the maze perfectly, scooping the red one up to hug it.

"I don’t think it understands you, Ross." Jack chuckles, scribbling down the results of the test. "Okay thats a lie, but I don't think it gets the meaning."

"Don't listen to him Red, he's got a stick up his ass." She jokes, setting the little creature down and letting it zoom away from her. "I wish I could take them home, they're so cute, like babies."

"You have Keys at home," Jack states, finishing up the paperwork. "Honestly I wouldn't complain about there being another kid in the house, I think we'd be a great family."

"Another little one would be fantastic, but that takes time, Jackie."

"The three of us have all the time in the world. Come on, let's put the Eye Pods away then go get some lunch." He stands up and starts chasing after the zooming creatures, trying to scoop at least one of them up.

She laughs, simply picking up the one that comes up to her. "I like your thinking, Bright."

Jack swallows hard as he looks through the pictures of D Class he had to pick from. New month, new body. He looks up from his desk to Ross, silently asking her for help. He's done this thousands of times but it never gets easier, taking away another humans mind to replace with his own. Ross seemed to understand what was going though his head and got up from her chair to help him. She stands by him for a few minutes, looking at all the men and women Jack got to choose from.

"Her, I like her." Ross points to the picture of a blond girl on Jacks tablet. "Blond is an easy color to dye, and she has freckles." She puts her hands on his shoulders and squeezes him. "I'll be right there when you wake up, okay Jack? Cross my heart."

Jack puts his hand over one of hers, rubbing it with his thumb. "What if she has a family?" Alto has had this conversation with him a million times, but that voice inside his head never stops.

"Here, lets look at her file. Maybe she doesn't have any family to go back to." Ross clicks on the profile and just as she suspected, there was no family listed. "Look honey, that's why she was arrested in the first place, triple homicide of her family. She's alone."

Jack relaxed a bit. Taking a murder out of this world isn't such a bad thing, but letting Jack Bright run rampant isn't the greatest choice either. "Thank you Ross..."

"You're welcome. Come on, after this I'll take you home and you and Keys can play on the Wii to try and get yourself in order. How does that sound?"

"I like that idea, I like it a lot."

The switch itself only took a few seconds, but very quickly Jack was back in Rosses arms, hugging her tightly in his new body. Everything about him was different, he had the body of a woman now, and he was much closer to Rosses hight than before. He felt disoriented, like he wasn't real and the only thing keeping him from disappearing was the fact that he was holding to tightly onto Ross.

His upset must've been obvious because Ross began to coo at him and comfort him, running her fingers through his hair and comforting him.

"Its okay love, you're okay, I'm right here, you're okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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