now you've done it. he's pissed now.

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There was a silence once the memory ended.

"Well that was a mistake," Ichigo said, his voice hard and cold. "I see why I would have wanted to erase those."

"Ichigo..." Rukia whispered, taking a step towards him.

But Ichigo pushed her away.

He turned to leave.

"Ichigo! Don't go!" Rukia cried, grabbing his arm.

Ichigo stopped.

Rukia looked up, hopeful.

"Get. Your hands. Off me."

His eyes were filled with fire and hatred.


"Do you think," he growled, "That you could just come back here, and turn my life upside down again?"

There was fury in every syllable, his spiritual pressure rising.

"DID YOU THINK, THAT YOU COULD JUST WALTZ IN AND TO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANTED?! I had a life, maybe not an exciting one, but a normal one! Then you just show up, and tricked me into making another. My friends and family got hurt, because you Shinigami couldn't keep to yourselves! Then I have to shoulder your burden. I had to rescue you from your mistake, I had to protect a world I was forced into half blind! Then, oh my! Look at that! The Substitute Soul Reaper isn't like everyone else! And you toss me to the side like a broken toy." he took a breath, then continued his rant. "You say friendship is so important, and yet once you learn about something that's been there the whole time, but you were just too blind to see it, you make assumptions and you run away! There's no understanding, there's no sympathy, or even pity. Once there's some unknown variable, you just take off when I'm no longer useful to your cause, then come back begging when you need help. Well guess what? I'm through. I have been ever since you abandoned us. And I will be for the rest of eternity! So get your hands off me, Rukia Kuchiki. You all hurt me so bad, I completely erased all my memories. And you expect me to come back? You expect me to forgive you? After all this time? I got along fine without you for five years, and I'll get along fine without you for another millennia." he seethed. His wrist band had fallen off, and his spiritual pressure was crushing everyone. Nel was the only one still standing.

"Ichigo... " Rukia tried to get up. "Renji... was right about one thing... Five years is a lot of time, yes, but it isn't enough to completely alter your personality. What happened to you?"

"What happened?" Ichigo threw his head up and laughed. It was a crazy laugh, like the cackle of a serial killer. When he looked back down at the Shinigami, he had a psycho look in his eyes. "What happened? You're asking me, WHAT HAPPENED? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED, KUCHIKI! YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY CARE FOR MY FAMILY TO FORCE ME INTO BECOMING A SOUL REAPER. THEN I HAVE TO SAVE YOU WHEN YOU GOT CAUGHT. I HAVE PLAYED AS A PAWN IN THE SOUL SOCIETY'S WARS TOO MANY TIMES JUST TO BE THROWN ASIDE FROM THE VERY PEOPLE I TRUSTED TO HAVE MY BACK! You think five years isn't enough time to change your personality? Well think again. It just takes something small, and then the very people you helped climb the ladder will step on your fingers, letting you fall down. And the higher you climbed with them, the further you fall, the harder you land and the longer you have to curse them for watching you fall, and not helping you back up, like you had done so many times before for them.

"Now get out of my sight. I never want to see your faces again."

With that, he formed his hollow mask and sonido ed away with Nel and Shirogo.

The shell-shocked group left, swearing never to speak of it again.

Ichigo had made it clear that they would never be welcome in his presence, so they forgot about him.

The next time anyone saw him was a year or two later, when he dropped Aizen's dead body in the center of the Sereite.

"Aizen is dead," he said through his Vasto Lorde mask. His eyes glared down at the Shinigami.

"Shinigami are prohibited from entering Hueco Mundo by order of Las Noches' King- the Crimson Demon. Those who enter without permission will be killed by High Espada Neliel."

"I presume that you were the one who killed Aizen Sousuke?" Head Captain Yamamoto said.

The hollow nodded. "Yes."

"Why go through the trouble of killing him? Didn't you hollows follow him?"

The hollow have Yamamoto a bored look. "It was no trouble. He was simply the strongest being there, and the only one I could test my strength on without worrying about him dying in the first few minutes."

Yamamoto was shocked. "Why bring him here? Was it to-"

I garganta opened up, and an arrancar lept out.

"My Lord, High Espada Neliel has requested you." the nameless hollow announced.

"... Very well. I will be there shortly. Before I leave, however, I wish to make one thing clear; should Shinigami Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, or Quincy Uryu Ishida ever step foot in my dominion, they will be killed on sight, no matter the circumstances."

With that, he stepped through the garganta, and disappeared.

There was a silence.


"Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, what did you do?"


Thanks for reading!

I know Ichigo probably seems a bit OOC, sorry ^^'

I actually wrote this ages ago, and only found it while I was going through some of my files.

I figured I'd post it just for the heck of it, I never expected it to get more than a few veiws and likes!

So again, thank you for reading!!

It really means a lot to me.

And please feel free to point out any plot holes or mistakes or thoughts on improvements!!

Constructive criticism is very much appreciated!!

Thank you!

1/11/2020 - spell check, thanks for pointing out the mistake :)

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