Part - 111

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Ragini: I'm very much serious, Mr ex-husband.

She says smirking. Laksh looks at her angrily as he holds her through her shoulder, turns her and pins her to the wall.

Laksh: this stupid thought in your stupid head should vanish now itself. You're not going to do anything like that. You can't move on with anyone else, besides me. Did you get that?

He asks in a serious and warning tone.

Ragini: huh... But you were the one who wanted me to move on, till yesterday. Changed your mind so soon?

Laksh: ya, that was only till yesterday, not today. The situation was different at that time. I took that decision but I never thought how it would be if you really moved on with someone else. I would have really gone mad if it would have happened but again, I didn't want to be selfish to keep you chained with me. That's why I took that hard decision. Do you think it was easy for me? If you do then you are wrong. It was the most tough decision of my life, to let you go. To let go the woman I l... want and care for. But now, when I don't have any reason or helplessness then I'm not going to let you go away from me. In no bloody condition. No one on this earth have the guts and power of claiming you other than me. I'll screw everyone who even tried. And don't you dare to even think that way about any other man. Not in a serious manner, not for making me jealous or to even joke. I don't like it. Only Laksh Maheshwari is for you. So just think about me. I know, at this point of time we don't have any name for our relationship but that can't change the universal fact that we're made for each other. Only you can tolerate me and only I can handle you. No one else is made for us besides each other. I'm really very sorry for what I had to do. I didn't want to div... divorce you but also I didn't want you to wait for me because I knew that my chances of coming back to you were nil but you proved me wrong. Once again, you proved your love for me. You love me so much. How can I let you go? I can't. Yes, I am selfish for you and always be. Take it as a threat or anything but this is my way. You are mine! Now, tomorrow and always.

He says with his eyes boring into hers. He was serious and there wasn't any doubt in that. Ragini was feeling his possessiveness with the way he was speaking. She was feeling goosebumps on her body. Her heart was racing. She wasn't getting what to say or how to react. She knew that pushing him more to the edge wasn't going to be good. He was already high with anger and possessiveness because of her words.

It was true that she just wanted to make him jealous by talking about moving on with someone else but the way he reacted made her nervous and happy at the same time. She herself can never think about any other man besides her Laksh in that way. She loves only him and will do all her life.

Laksh: you'll not meet him or even talk to him. Got it?

He asks tightening his grip on her shoulders. Ragini just nods her head without uttering a word.

Laksh: good! Now, when you're going to shift back to Maheshwari Mansion?

He asks loosening his hold on her. Ragini composes herself and shots him with a glare and then pushes him away.

Ragini: why should I shift to your house? I don't belong there! I'm not going to move on with any other man that doesn't mean I'll come back to you.

She says stamping her feet angrily. Laksh looks on shocked at that.

Laksh: but...

Ragini: what but ha? What but? You just can't divorce me yesterday and take me back to your house today. How even your mind works? I'm not your wife now then with which right should I come to your house?

Laksh: oh! Ya, that's the problem!

He says as he starts thinking while Ragini waits for him to continue.

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