Chapter 13 (Under editing)

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The above given sketch is one of own so yuh.

The above given sketch is one of own so yuh

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Iris p.o.v
"Iris" someone gently shakes me that causes me come back to cautiousness "yeah" I reply as sleepily before opening one of my eyes to see Aiden before me. Wait Aiden what is he doing here than I realized what happened yesterday. "Morning" I say as I sit up "morning" he reply's back as he makes his way back to the work but he doesn't leave until telling to get fresh and come down as breakfast will be ready to eat soon. I enter the bathroom and study my state wow I do look horrible anyways I finish my business and get get dressed in one of Felix's hoodies oh did I tell I also have one of each of my cousins hoodies too but the don't mind so in the end I have a lot of hoodies. And I wear black leggings with my charm necklace that my brothers and cousins got for me they have their charms on it which represents them with their names in graves on the back. Like for Blake it's a anchor because he really my anchor and a boxing glove for Louis because he is a personal trainer now and because I like it. For Daniel it's a white dove because he has always been calm and chill and peaceful and he's really like cool and stuff so yeah he got a dove. For Dylan it's a gun because he's the hot headed one and plus he's like my weapon. For Damian it's a little cute looking teddy bear because he is a really cute looking teddy bear. For Isaac it's a heart that looks like a diamond and its because he the kindest person I have met and I adore him for that. Next is my favorite (note the sarcasm) brother of all Sebastian he has a LOL charm because he thinks so funny and all. Next is Elijah he has key, he has a locket with a lock and I have the key of that as a charm same for goes for me I have a separate necklace with a lock and he has the key to that the meaning behind is the fact that we both have each other's heart keys. Anyways Aiden has a wolf because he is like the alpha male type person and I think it suits him for Adam it has sun because it's who he is like a sun always beaming and smiling and for Felix it's a plate that says BFF on it well he gave it to me as te charm. Anyways after getting dressed I go downstairs to find the whole Dalton family at the table. "Morning aunt rose and uncle jack" I greet my aunt and uncle "morning to you too sweetie" aunt rose says "morning dear" uncle jack says "what about us" Felix says when I sit down at table "oh my bad morning Adam and Aiden" I say smiling "morning Iris" Adam and Aiden say back I look at Felix to see his hurt face while he has his hand oh his chest where his heart is located "ok now that was mean" he says huffing everyone including me suppresses a laugh "oh you will live Felix" Adam says laughing "sure but I'm not talking to you today Iris" he tells me "ok I don't mind but, let me tell  you that you won't last long remember the last time you did this" I state "by the way morning Felix" I say as I start eating my breakfast that probably had gone cold. After breakfast that went quite well we decided to watch movies. We are watching the conjuring 2 and you would think she would be sacred so she is probably hiding behind one of the guys but that would be wrong as I love horror movies. (AN:shocking right in real life my favorite type of movies are the horror ones) please have mercy on me would you please have mercy mercy on my heart Shawn Mendes's mercy started blasting from my phone everyone looks at me with the 'really' look. "Gosh I'm sorry guys I will go and pick it up you don't have to give that look" I say before I get up and pick my phone and walk out of the room so they can continue the movie without me disturbing them. I look at the screen to see Elijah's name on it so I pick up. "Iris hi" Elijah greets me "hey lijah" I call him by his nick name "what's up" I continue when he doesn't reply "nothing much but when are you coming home" he says hesitantly "soon why" I ask "oh not much just missing you" he says that makes me laugh " It's been only a few hours I'm be back soon" I say still laughing "but I want to see you now" he whines "Elijah I will be back soon" I tell him again "I know" he says sadly "can I come there" he suddenly asks me "uhh well...." I trail off I did not know how to answer that so I pull the phone away from my ear and cover the speaker with my palm and walk back into the tv lounge so I ask them about it. I nudge Felix and he turns to look at me with a annoyed face "what" he asks me and turns his face back the tv screen "Felix Elijah wants to come over" I tell him "what" he turns   to me "I said..." I try to say "I know what you said" he cuts me off  "so what should I tell him" I ask him "I don't know is he on the phone" he asks me "yeah" I reply "tell him he can come if he wants to"Aiden voices from behind "I didn't know you were listening" I tell him "you were talking louder than you intended" he says while turning to the tv I look at Felix and he shrugs and turns his attention to the movie. I walk out of the room and put the phone back to my ear "yeah as you were saying you can come if you want to" I tell him "what took you so long I thought you hung up on me" he tells me honestly "no I just went and asked the guys if u could come" I say "you asked them why" he asks me "well it's there house so yeah I did ask them" I say "fine" he says "I might bring someone with me" he says "I know that" I state "what how" he says confused "you can't drive" I say "oh yeah forgot that" he says sheepishly "so who are you bringing" I ask him "I don't know but it might be Dylan" he says unsure "ok"I say "hey can you like being Blake with you" I ask him "well... uhm.....wait..... hey Blake you free" I hear a distant 'why' from Blake "Iris wants you to come over at aunt rose's" he tells Blake "yeah I'm free" he says even though I can't hear it clearly but I can understand what they are saying. "So you coming then" he asks him "yeah sure I can drive you" he reply's him "ok I will tell her" he says that and I hear shuffling before it stops "he says he will be there" he says "ok then see you bye" I say to him before I end the call I giggle at him as I knew that he wanted to say something else too. I go back in the lounge and settle back in my seat tuning in the movie I had missed a bit of a chunk but I will get it cover after it finished. "It was good" Felix comments as the movie start lining their credits "true" I say the others agreeing with me. The sound the door bell breaks us out proie chitter chatter that we were having "I can get it" I say to them and stand up heading towards the door Aiden gives me a look in the process which I nod my head to. I get to the door and open it to find my brother standing in front of me. "Hey" I greet him and step aside so he can enter "hey Iris" he says when he comes in and pulls me in a hug. I hug him back "I missed you" he says when we break apart "me too but where's Blake didn't he come" I comment noticing his absence at the spot the door swings open and Blake enters inside "hi" I say to him when he firmly closes the door and steps in. He looks at me and his emotionless face turns into a big bright smile. "Hey" he says and he too pulls me in a hug and I hug him back. "Looks like they are here" I hear Felix mumble as he comes of out the lounge to greet them. Felix greets them and so do the others. "So what brings y'all here" Felix says with an American accent "you do not have an American accent" I say laughing at his fail attempt "whatever" he waves me off shrugging. "Well before you had your 'I'm American' impression you asked an question to which my reply is that we are here to take our sister back home because we are missing her" Blake answers his question "just like that" Felix asks Elijah and Blake both nod at him "why so early" he comments "because me and the boys are planning to take Iris somewhere today" he says "let her go" Aiden says glancing at Blake and I "but.." Felix try's saying but gets cut off with Aiden calling his name with a stern voice. After that he pretty much goes in blur Blake tells me to go and grab my stuff and we leave for home. We reach home and everyone takes their turn in meeting me after that we have a small sit down talk and then start getting ready for the surprise outing we are heading to later. It turns to be a picnic spot where we spend the day laughing,playing and relaxing. Anyways now we are here back home it was a fun day. I wanted to to do something fun and it was pretty late so I decided that I should sketch something and after completing it I will go to bed so I started sketching an eye.

(AN: this is my actual sketch. I actually sketched this). After my sketch was complete I decide to head to bed. I fall asleep peacefully and relaxed.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chap thank you for all the votes and comments you have given to this story than you for the love and support. Have a great day and stay awesome. Treat People With Kindness.
-Alice xoxo

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