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So as I am not writing a chapter I am so sorry about that but I just have been so busy exams are coming up and our school is giving out so many tests and all and I have got to time to write a chapter for y'all and I would be promising a chapter to y'all but I know I won't be able to post anytime soon but when I do I will be sure to make long and good to make up for the lost time but for now I wanted to have a little conversation with my readers tat are y'all so I wanted to ask some questions about y'all and if u want you can ask me questions and if y'all want I can answer the same questions that I ask y'all.So let's begin:
1) what's your name?
2) how old are you?
3) where do u live and where are you from?
4) what is you age?
5) which grade are u in?
6) what's your favorite color?
7) some skills or qualities that you have (such as singing or painting etc)?
8) why do u read my stories (not being rude or anything but I'm just curious)?
9) which brother is your favorite and why?
10) do you have siblings?
11) what's your favorite singer or band?
12) what's your fav movie?
13) Marvel or DC?
14) are you enjoying my story so far and do you want specific in it?
15) which is your fav character in the story and why?
16) do you agree with the Grey brothers protectiveness towards Iris?
17) do you disagree then why if you don't than also tell me why you think that they are right when it comes to that?
18) do you guys like Ace?
19) do u think will Iris and Ace get together?
20) do u ship them if you what will name it?
That's it for now
I hope u have a great day love yourself and live your dreams and stay awesome.
- Alice xoxo

My overprotective brothersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora