" Ok.. I'll not. I promise!! Now relax.. Can you??"

Arnav calmed down after her given promise, then pulled her in his embrace burying his face in her hair inhaling her refreshing fragrance. Khushi too wrapped her arms around his shoulder, giving him her warmth and assurance, rubbing his back.


Tara heard her father talking to someone over phone relating to Lucknow. She was stunned to hear that Arnav had come to know the real truth. Hanging up the call, he stood by window crossing his arms.

"Why do you want Khushi back in your life Papa??"

Sashi turned around, Tara was standing behind him with a questioning gaze.

" Why do you want her now?? Why do you want her to know who are you to her??"

" That's because she is my daughter like you.. I don't wish to repeat my past mistake, I want to take my daughter in my arms. I want Khushi to acknowledge me as her father."

"You think it will be easy for Khushi.. She has lived with this pain for years, will it be easy to forget?? When I came to know your past, Trust me I have never judged you on that basis. Whenever Mamma has gone opposite to you I have supported you.. And you know that You come first in my life before anyone.. (she paused.. taking deep breathe Tara added..) But nothing of these support you that whatever you had done in past was RIGHT.. You were WRONG then. What Khushi and her mother have gone through may be we can never imagine or understand.. You were terribly wrong then.."

Sashi Gupta just stared at this young woman in front of him, who carries his blood but much more mature than her age limit. She has accepted, respected and adored her father just being her father.. As a sinner to someone's emotion, someone's life,  Tara knew she would never give him a flying mark sheet.. 

Wrong is always wrong!!

Sin is always a Sin!!

" Then when am I rushing?? She'll take her time to accept me in her life."

Tara looked away.

" I don't wish to hate her Papa because Arnav loves her so much , stop giving me one more reason to hate her!!"

Her voice broke, her eyes were moist. She had some how controlled herself, moved on in her life trying to forget her any feelings for Arnav. She had understood, he already belongs to someone else and that someone else is Khushi who is now her STEP-SISTER!! She forgot her first love, will she be able to share her father's love with same woman so easily?? But she was afraid, this one step from her father might end up with her broken resolution. She wanted to save herself, she wanted to save another two lives who would get hurt in this process only.

That broke her heart into pieces.

Sashi tried to hold her hand.

" She..is a nice girl Tara.."

" I'm trying to forget my past Papa, at this stage my heart, my mind will not judge how nice or not she is. My heart will ask only one question.. Why her.. each time?? Why not me always??"


"Don't try to create more complexity either for her or me..She is happy the way she is, I am happy the way I am."

Tara could not hold her tears anymore, ran away from there. Sashi Gupta again felt defeated under situation.


It was only 15 days remain for Aman and Nitya's wedding. Nitya was super excited like never before. Preparations were going on with full swing.

Khushi could see some change in Arnav's behavior, his way of talking to her, his staying aloof from everyone. Normally these days he leaves for office early and returns late. Though they talk normally but Khushi could see something different in his eyes!! That day Arnav was working from home because of some reason, Khushi was noticing his lost expression, his disturbed mind, his some unspoken pain and unseen need. Nitya had called Khushi to help her with shopping. After seeing Arnav, she thought to ask him to give company them. They can call Aman and it would be helpful for Arnav to refresh his mood.


Arnav looked up hearing Khushi. 

"As usual work.. Nothing new!!" (He again went back to work.)

Khushi pouted at his reply, came and sat beside him. Keeping her head on his arm, Khushi whispered.

" Some time I feel jealous of your laptop.. You know that!!"

That made Arnav frown.

" Why??" (he asked doubtfully.)

Making cute face, Khushi hugged his arm tightly.

" You are spending more time with it than me Arnav. Sometime I think whether you were a machine in your previous birth and this laptop is your long lost love interest. And this time you both got chance to stay together, happily!!  Your this damn laptop makes me feel insecure!!"

Arnav watched her amusingly.

" And after hearing you what I think, you know that??"


"That you are totally MAD Khushi.. For God sake do you realize what are you saying. I.. as a.. machine during my last birth..and...this one my lost love!! Like seriously?? Any logic you find here Khushi??"

Khushi slapped his arm.

" I just shared with you what I feel, if I don't tell you then whom should I tell??"

Arnav sighed at her replies.

" Yeah right."

" Come with me today.. We are going for Aman and Nitya's wedding shopping."

" Khushi.. I"

Kissing his cheek, Khushi pleaded.

" Please.. Just once Arnav.. For me!! You will have fun Arnav, I promise."

Can he deny her more now?? Never!!

Arnav nodded his head, yearning that million dollar smile from his wife that made him feel good too!!

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin