"Not the point."

"I was just joking," Carson said defensively as he chuckled softly, "...Actually, she really did have a fat ass. And she could do this one thing with her tongue--"

"Fuck dude! I do not need to know what she can do with her tongue." Tyler cringed.

"Don't be so squeamish." 

"Whatever." Tyler replied. They reached Carson's class. They dapped up and Tyler trailed off to his class before the one-minute warning bell could ring. 


The final bell just rung and Noelle thought it would be a good idea to wait by Carson's car after school. Considering she had a pair of clean and folded sweatpants he unofficially lent her. She held them close to her chest as she stood awkwardly by his truck. 

She saw him push the front doors open and walk out slowly towards his truck. He noticed her standing next to his truck when he was halfway across the parking lot. His smile was small but grew when he saw her. 

"Noelle," He said, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He grinned. She extended her hands out to give him the sweatpants she borrowed.

"You got my note, right?" She asked and he nodded. She gave a friendly smile and she was about to jet off when he grabbed her by the arm.

"Hey, um. Sorry about the other night. I didn't mean to freak you out or anything--let alone puke all over you." He laugh a little. "How about I make it up to you? A friend of mine is throwing a party tonight. You should be my plus-one." He stuttered a little, which was something he never did.

"Um, I'm not sure." Worry was written on her face as she fiddled with her sleeve. "One, I'm not even sure what to wear. And two, I bet you every one that's going has no idea who I am."

His hand trailed down her arm and grasped her hand warmly, "Well, think of this as a way to meet new people and make friends."

She scoffed, "I've got friends." 

"I didn't say you didn't have friends, I'm just saying." He shrugged boyishly. He nudged her shoulder as he shoved his hands into the depths of his pockets. He kicked a couple of rocks as he looked into her syrup-colored eyes. He thought they were quite lovely to look at.

"Okay," She agreed, what's the worst the could happen, "I'll go."

"Great," He beamed, "I'll pick you up at 11." He said as he hopped into his truck and zoomed out of the student lot.

"Shit," Noelle thought to herself, "What am I going to wear?"


This was the fifth outfit she tried on and she still didn't like it on her body. It was a skirt that came to her ankles and a beige sweater with a thin golden necklace she got for her birthday. Her hair was up.

She looked like she was Amish.

She continued to stare at herself in the mirror, tilting her head to the side. Margo popped her head into her sister's room and saw Noelle stare at herself in the mirror.

"Jesus, you look Amish." She giggled.

Noelle shifted her eyes in the mirror to look at Margo through the mirror. "No need to rub it in." She said as she adjusted her bra over her sweater.

"Where you headed?" Margo asked as she plopped on her bed and laid down.

"My first high-school party." Noelle mumbled

"What!" Margo sat up swiftly. Her jet black hair covering her face as she sat up. "Your name and the word 'party' were in the same sentence. Are you feeling well?" She asked with humor. Margo had on a black and white striped shirt that was cuffed and pale blue jeans that were cuffed as well. 

"Carson invited me." Noelle mumbled to herself.

"You probably shouldn't go like that." Margo suggested. She got up and walked over to Noelle's closet. 

Then Jason, with sock-padded feet comes into Noelle's room with his i-pad and jumps on her bed. Margo turns her head to her brother, "Jason, leave we're getting dressed."

To which Jason replies, "But, mom said I could come in and you guys wouldn't mind."

Margo rolls her eyes, "But, we mind."

"Noe doesn't mind." Jason stops playing his game and looks up at Noelle. Noelle didn't mind as long as he didn't break anything.

"I don't care, you know my rules."

"I know, I know. Don't break anything and no eating or drinking in your bed." Jason recited. 

Margo rolled her eyes again, "Whatever." She continued to sift through the clothes. She came across a mini denim skirt and really liked it. "How about this?" Margo asked. Noelle turned to look at it, her face scrunched up a bit.

"Uh I don't know, it's bit short don't you think." She asked skeptically. Margo shrugged.

"As long as it covers what needs to be covered, what's the issue?" Margo threw the skirt at her. Margo continued to look between hangers to find the right top. When she came to the end of Noelle's rack of hangers, she thought about something. "Hold on, I'll be right back." Margo briskly left the room. She came back with a few stretchy tops from her closet and a couple of bralettes.

Margo threw them on the bed, "Alright," Margo clasps her hands together, "Here try this." She hands Noelle a stark white bralette that was sheer especially on her chest.

"Uh I don't know."

"You're right...try it on with the skirt!" She threw the skirt at her face. To which, Noelle caught it. She grumbled as she went into her bathroom to change. She came out a couple minutes later, feeling totally exposed. Her arms automatically covered her chest. She could feel her ass peeking from underneath her skirt. She knew she should have donated that skirt when she had the chance.

"You look amazing!" Margo beamed as she covered Jason's eyes. "Here," She handed her a matching denim jacket. "In case you get cold. Or if you wanna put your titties away."

"oooo that's a dollar in the swear jar, Go-Go!" Jason yelled. Margo rolled her eyes.

Noelle felt a vibration in her back pocket. It was Carson telling her he was outside. Noelle sprayed perfume and laced up her white converse and bolted out of her room. She made it downstairs without her parents knowing and slipped out the front door. She couldn't help but think about that Luther Vandross song that always made her feel a little rebellious. The song just fit the moment perfectly. She saw his bright head-lights in her drive way.

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