Spider Powers Are Insane

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Tony only grinned at the boy's discomfort and pulled Steve closer to him, deepening the embrace.

Peter gagged as he spun around to leave the room as soon as he could, almost tripping over the doorframe.

"My eyes!" Peter lamented, falling over next to Natasha. She looked over in confusion until studying his face, and her expression transformed into one of consolation. "You caught Stony, didn't you?" The woman guessed, smiling slightly. "Yes - wait, you know the ship name?" Peter gasped, temporarily diverted. "Of course I do. I know everything," Natasha responded.

Peter laughed. It was an inside joke between the two - see how long Natasha could act like she knew everything that happened. The only motive was to confuse the team.

"Yes, well. Steve's not a bad kisser, although I've never kissed Tony. I wouldn't be surprised if it was scarring, though. Speaking of kissing, how's May?" Natasha asked conversationally. Peter almost choked on air. "She's great," He managed as soon as he got his breath back.

Natasha grinned at him, failing to hide it. "Just wanted to mess with you, little spider. I see it worked. I already texted her today. Anyways, Bruce wants you in the lab. Something about investigating your new powers."

Peter took the opportunity and fled up a few sets of stairs, finally flinging open the door to Bruce's laboratory and smiling at the scientist. "Hey, Uncle Bruce!" Peter called excitedly. He'd been waiting for this moment all week. He still had no idea what he could do.

After a few minutes of scans and drawing blood, Bruce finally sat down with a smile at Peter, listing off improvements. "Increased strength, agility, and senses. Hypothetically a better danger detection system. Small spinnerets in the wrists for organic webs. Some other sort of change in the wrists. A type of bioelectric power now, as well as some sort of... I would say camouflage. You are way lighter. Probably some other stuff, but we don't have all the tech we'd need."

Peter nodded slowly, taking in the information.

After a few minutes of making weird hand motions, he figured out that his old web-shooting hand style worked to shoot the webs out of his wrists. "This is awesome!" Peter exclaimed, beaming. Bruce smiled at his excitement. "This is going to be so fun," The boy murmured.


They had the whole team over tonight for dinner, including all the people that were dating. That meant May had shown up with Natasha, and Loki had come way across the world for Clint with Thor excited to see Bruce.

"So, guys, I think I can turn invisible," Peter said casually in the middle of eating a tostada that Natasha made.

Tony choked on his tostada. "I'm sorry, what? " Peter grinned at him. "Oh no. I have to deal with a spiderkid that can turn invisible now," The man muttered.

Natasha delicately raised an eyebrow. "Not just you. May and I are here too, you know. And Steve. And all his uncles and aunts."

Peter still wasn't very sure what the whole dynamic was between May, Natasha, Tony, and Steve was. He knew May and probably Natasha saw him as their kid, but Tony and Steve were still kind of suspect on the matter.

Tony acknowledged Nat's words with a nod, before the woman turned to look at Peter. "Any other fun powers?" Natasha asked, intrigued. "Well - my webs are organic now! And I can do some sort of electric thing. It sounds super cool, Mama Spider," Peter told her enthusiastically.

May coughed. "And how, exactly, does this work? We won't be burning the tower - or the house -down?" She confirmed, sounding worried. Peter just shrugged. "I make no promises."

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