11. The Bomb Threat

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songs: hot girl bummer -blackbear


It's been three weeks and Hero still hasn't returned from home, no text, no calls, no emails or letters, nothing.

I've given up all hope for him to return and everything to go back to normal. That's why I've been waking up in Brandon's bed.

I walk down the stairs, Brandon's hand in mine, but I freeze when I see who's waiting in the foyer. Hero. With one single flower. Brandon lets go of my hand, then backs away slowly.

"Hero. You're here." I mumble and slowly approach him. But then his large grin drops when he sees what I'm wearing. It's not my shirt nor is it his.

"What the fuck Josephine?" Hero curses and I shake my head quickly.

"It's not what you think Hero." I reply and Brandon rushes up the stairs to not get beaten up again.

"Save the petty cliché shit please, just be honest, did you sleep with him again?" He asks and I nod, then look down to my feet in embarrassment,"We need a break Josephine. This isn't healthy, get your shit figured out and then we can try again. I'll still be here if you need a friend, but I will not be your friend with benefits, especially if you have a boyfriend."

My heart shatters into two pieces as he leaves the flowers on the floor and walks out, letting the door slam behind him. I pick up the flowers and frown, looking up to the door as tears prick my eyes.
When my parents had told me that I wouldn't be coming home for Christmas and I wouldn't leave California until I finished my junior year, I was irate. Especially since they decided to call me the same day Hero cut ties with me.

It's been three days and we're back at school, walking through the halls of West Beverly as we always did. The day moves by slower and my mind is moving slower than honey leaking down a large tree. As I move my way down the hall, I move slow as a sloth who's sleeping walking. I haven't talked to Kelly in a few days, but I know I should. I need someone else to talk to about how I'm feeling besides Brandon and Brenda.

I pass by Hero in the hallway and he's with a short, dark haired girl with tan skin and wide framed glasses. I roll my eyes and he catches my glare and rest his hand on the small of the girls back, leading her down the hall.

I go up the stairs the stop next to Kelly's locker, "Hey."

"Josephine, Hi." She replied and pulls her Algebra book out of her locker.

"Can we talk? It's about Hero and I." I exclaim and look down to my feet shyly. She shuts her locker and nods.

"Of course, I heard about the break up from Brenda." She replies and leads me down the stairs and out the door to the quad. We sit down in the grass and I take a small flower and twirl it between my fingers.

"My big problem is, I don't know which boy I like more, Hero or Brandon. They're both amazing, Hero is such a caring guy and Brandon is so fucking nice to me. Both are also hot as hell and good in bed. " I whisper softly as the fall breeze pulls my hair in the opposite direction of me.

"Well, tell me what you like about Hero and what you like about Brandon."

"Hero understands me more than Brandon, but Brandon is asked if I'm okay since the day I got here. Brandon is definetly built better in both the arms and chest, Hero has the body of more of a runner. Brandon's smile is also- god I can't even describe it. You know, Kelly, I think doing this helped me make up my mind."

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