"His own cousin," Stoick said in a menacing voice, turned to face Spitelout threateningly. "Bet he didn't tell you that, did he Spitelout?"

"Snotlout isn't really friends with the truth," Astrid added. "And Hiccup was pushed-by Snotlout, As he fell, his flailed out to grab something to help stop his fall. He caught Snotlout and they both fell."

"That's not what my boyo said!" Spitelout argued.

"Snotlout pushed Hiccup down the stairs?" Stoick growled. "That's it-get out! I don't want you here upsetting my son with your accusations..." But Spitelout folded his arms.

"Aren't you even concerned at what your son has done?" he challenged his brother-in-law. Stoick blinked. "Snotlout has ruptured both his cruciate ligaments in his right knee and has a fracture-dislocation of his right ankle. He'll take over six months to recover and that's a career-ending injury. He'll lose his Scholarship and his future career. And that's all down to your son, no matter what he claims." He glared at the shocked Hiccup. "That's on your conscience, boyo! Yours and no one else's!"

At the commotion, the nurses had arrived and the man turned and walked out without another word, his devastating last blow leaving Hiccup stunned and utterly wracked by guilt. He had injured Snotlout? A small fraction himself felt a vicarious pleasure that his self-absorbed and cruel cousin was finally learning what it was like to be physically limited but the much greater portion was sad that Snotlout had been hurt. He honestly couldn't recall what had happened-but he had no reason to disbelieve Astrid and if so, it was clear that the Norns had finally paid Snotlout back for his cruel taunts and bullying of his cousin. Yet Hiccup know that Snotlout was entirely dependent on his prowess as a sportsman for his future, for he was borderline failing his classes and had no clue about any future that didn't include him as a Football star.

"Hiccup? Son? Are you alright?" Stoick asked worriedly but as Astrid walked closer, she realised there was a horrible guilty look in his eyes and he was paler than he had been. She lunged forward and took his hand, leaning over him to look into his eyes.

"Don't you dare believe that idiot!" she told him fiercely. "Hiccup-I know you. There isn't a mean or spiteful bone in your body. Anyone would flail around if they were falling-and Snotlout wouldn't have been there to be grabbed if he hadn't been the person who shoved you backwards down the stairs in the first place!"

"But I caught him and caused him to fall," Hiccup said tonelessly. "Me. No one else. I could have just fallen..." She rested her hand on his face.

"Hiccup-everyone tries to stop themselves falling," she told him sternly. "Snotlout's injury was an accident." But he shook his head, a broken look entering his eyes.

"But it wasn't," he murmured. "It was my fault."


"What's happening?" Astrid asked Fishlegs as she and Heather plumped down on the sagging leather sofa in his den. The twins were lying upside down on beanbags and Dagur was doing crunches to one side, working off his anxiety with hard physical exercise. The husky teen sighed heavily and effortlessly switched to the Berkbook Berk High Chatroom.

"Somehow, Hiccup has become Public Enemy Number One," he reported in an unhappy voice.

"WHAT?" Tuff exclaimed from the beanbag, rolling to all fours and crawling over to the desk where Fishlegs had his computer set up. Standing up on his knees, the male twin peered at the screen. "No-that can't be right!"

"It is," Astrid read, frowning. "Snotlout has posted a self-pitying appeal. He claims Hiccup fell and grabbed him in an act of vengeance for the bullying. He's hurt his knee and ankle and is needing surgery-and his career is over. He'll lose his Scholarship and College and it's all Hiccup's fault..."

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