I hang up the phone fustrated and Joe and Kevin comes up to me once I put my phone down.

Joe: dude are you okay?
Nick: *shakes head and panics* no, Charlie ran off without the security guard with Greyson
Kevin: are they crazy?! Do they know how dangerous NYC is without adults watching them?! It's a big city with busy people!
Joe: where was she when you found out?
Nick: well the last time the security spot them was in the ice rink
Joe: so, if you were Charlie in NYC, and you want to get away from everything. Where do you think she will be?
Nick: well she doesnt like paparrazi or fans so she might be somewhere private
Joe: well... do you have a clue?
Nick: you bet I do, but the two of them better not be doing what I think they're doing
Joe: I thought you trusted her?
Nick: I do trust her, its that boy, I do not trust

I told the band I had an emergency so they can have all the break they need until I get back. I left the building with Joe, Kevin and Big Rob my head security as well.

Charlie's POV
Greyson and I have been at the beach together for 2 hours now. It was peace and quiet, no one was around which was good and the beach was filled with mostly rocks and the ocean water.

We sat on the rock together and I pull my knees toward me.

Greyson: *sighs* so... this is nice
Charlie: yep
Greyson: you okay?
Charlie: no its just too quiet. This was not what I had in mind spending the whole day with you
Greyson: well your brother did warn you about the fans and paparazzi crowding you
Charlie: yeah but he's always tripping over every little thing, I didn't think he was being serious! But then again Nick is always the serious one in our family. Ugh this is so unfair!
Greyson: yeah brother can be a pain in the neck
Charlie: not what I meant, I meant the famous part. I wish he wasn't famous any more than my life would be normal again
Greyson: I understand how you feel, I love my fans dearly and all but sometimes... it can be a bit overwhelming
Charlie: you know, you're the first guy I ever that ever gets how I truly feel
Greyson: because I listen to you and you're not like most girls I hang out with. Most girls I hang out with don't like talking about their feeling, but you however are different
Charlie: *blush a bit* thanks

We both look at each other and he leaned into to kiss me and I kiss him him back passionately.

I pulled apart from him when I heard some one cleared their throat. I turn around and gasp and separated from him when I see Nick. Here we go... not again!

Charlie: h-hi N-nick...
Nick: *gives me and Greyson glare* hello Charlotte...
Greyson: now Nick... don't be mad at Charlie it was all my idea
Charlie: no it wasn't! It was all my idea, he was just covering my butt for me
Nick: and your butt will be red in the next couple of minutes if you're not in that Uber car!
Charlie: *embarrassed* Nick! *face goes red*
Nick: *ignores her* go!

Nick stood me up and shoved me forward while giving me swat to my butt. Ugh I can't believe he swatted me like that, in front of Greyson too!

Nick: *to Greyson* stay I want to have a word with you
Charlie: *turns back around* Nick, do. not. hurt him!
Nick: I just want to have a chat with him

I sigh and nodded and said goodbye to Greyson before hurrying past Nick and into the Uber car.

Nick's POV
Once Charlie was gone. I walk up to this Greyson kid. I was about to say something to him but he stopped me.

Greyson: look man, if you're gonna hurt me for what happened today, just do it! I dont care anymore...
Nick: relax Im not gonna hurt you, I just want to have a talk with you
Greyson: wow, when you say you really want to chat with me you must really mean it!
Nick: Charlie told you everything did she?

Greyson: yeah, most of what happened today wasnt necessary her fault it was mine fault as well... the reason we ran off was because their was paparazzi in the building and we just want to get out of their

Nick: well you could of called Charlie's head security and let him or I handle it. But instead you ran off with her! What Charlie did was stupid today! I know she hates paparazzi but still doesnt give her any rights to disobey me...
Greyson: well I have to say sir, you're a bit strict on her with your rules
Nick: so? Im her older brother. It's my job as her older brother to protect her, and I will do everything to protect her
Greyson: look... let me tell you something that might shock you a bit
Nick: does this has anything to do about the situation?
Greyson: yes
Nick: alright then proceed
Greyson: well... my friend back at home has a little sister right? All he wanted to do was protect her like you're doing, but than he got a little carried away and the two of them never spoke again
Nick: don't they live in the same house together?
Greyson: they use to but their parents got divorce, and his sister left with his mother and they never spoke to each other or kept in contact
Nick: how do I know you're not making up this story?
Greyson: I'm not, I just don't want the same thing to happened to you guys. You two look really close
Nick: you know what kid, you're not so bad after all. I'm gonna talk to Charlie tonight, and be more civil with her. But you  however, might not be able to see her for a while because Im gonna ground her for 2 weeks for running off into the city without security. But I will allow you to still see her but... that doesnt mean you two can do whatever you want. She still has to live by my rules she is 13 and a minor until she moves out.
Greyson: yes sir I understand

Nick: please call me Nick
Greyson: okay Nick, please call me Greyson. I hate when people call me a kid
Nick: just like Charlie. So, is that a deal?
Greyson: it's a deal!

We both shook hands and started to head back to the Uber car.

Nick: need a ride?

Greyson: sure

We both climb back into the Uber car, when we arrive Charlie was a bit suprise so was the other two.

Joe: what is he doing here?
Nick: I told him he can come with us
Charlie: *smiles* really?
Nick: yes, but that doesnt mean you're off punishment for running away without security
Charlie: grounded for a week?
Nick: 2 starting now. But after your punishment, I'll let you see him again
Charlie: *smiles* you're awesome Nicky! *hugs him*
Nick: *smiles and hugs her back before letting go* but... that doesnt mean that you could disobey my rules. I told you that on tour I would be a lot stricker with you because of the behavior you been having a lot lately
Charlie: I know and Im sorry I promise it wont happened again
Nick: it better not because you know what happened if you do it again
Charlie3 *gulps* yes sir
Nick: good

She gave me a hug and I hug her back and Greyson smile at us and Charlie said to me.

Charlie: can I sit next to him please?
Nick: *sternly* Charlotte...

Charlie: I know that I'm on punishment. But since this will be the last time that I see him, can I pleaseeeeeee? *does puppy dog face*

I sigh and Charlie got excited when I gave him because she never wins. I just rolled my eyes but smiled. We both switch places and I let her talk to Greyson for a bit. I talked with Joe and Kevin until we reach back to the venue.

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Where stories live. Discover now