Chapter Twelve - Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

Sara’s eyebrows rose. Lutfiyah cleared her throat. What was it about kids and asking their parents things in front of guests?

“May. Sweetie, we’ve spoken about this.” She crouched down. “It’s not nice to keep calling him because he won’t say no but sometimes people have things to do.”

“I thought that he did nothing,” Sara said, amusement in her voice.

Lutfiyah shot her a glare.

“May, go to the bathroom. I’m coming to wash you now.”

With a disgruntled look, May walked away, her unhappiness showing in the way she dragged her phone away, the handset trailing behind her on the floor.

“Uncle Jaafi?” Sara asked, crossing her arms.

“It’s complicated, Sara.”

“Then uncomplicate it for me.”

“Let me put May to bed then we can talk, okay?”

# # #

With minty fresh breath, an empty bladder and a scrubbed clean face, May jumped onto her air mattress in delight.

“How long will Sara Khala stay for?” May asked as she wiggled further into her blankets, pulling them up to her chin.

“Three nights,” Lutfiyah replied, making her daughter repeat her sleeping duas after her.

In between the prayers, May said, “And I can sleep here all that time?”

Lutfiyah nodded, bending her head to kiss her daughter’s soft cheek. “Now go to sleep. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mama.”

Lutfiyah smiled and got up, walking to the door before stopping when May’s voice broke the silence.



“Does Uncle Jaafi have anyone to tuck into bed at night?”

Lutfiyah sighed and shook her head. “Not that I know off.”

May frowned. “Isn’t that sad? I get sad when I wake up and you’re not here.”

“But he’s grown up. So it’s not the same.”

“But you would be sad if you woke up and I wasn’t here!”

“I know. That’s why I am glad that you are here. But you’re going to sleep on the bed with me tonight if you don’t close your eyes and go to sleep now.”

May hurriedly shut her eyes tightly, the skin of her eyelids crinkling up with the effort. Her exaggerated snores filled the room and Lutfiyah left smiling.

# # #

Lutfiyah watched as Sara sucked on her spoon of ice cream before saying, "I'm glad."

Lutfiyah frowned, turning her head to look at Sara more directly from her position on the couch.

"I thought you were suspicious."

Sara shrugged, lifting her mug and took a sip of her hot chocolate before replying. "I can be suspicious and glad at the same time."

Lutfiyah rolled her eyes and took a sip of her own hot chocolate before wiggling her toes where they were tucked under her cousin's thighs. "Why are you glad?"

Sara sighed. "I'm not overly excited about May's attachment to him but, I mean, it seems like he's breaking down your defences."

Lutfiyah sighed and dropped her head back against the couch. "Is that even a good thing?"

Her cousin laughed, the sound jarring in the silent flat. "My love, it's a great thing. I'm not saying marry the guy, not saying, untwist your panties," she said, sticking her tongue out at the way Lutfiyah had jumped at her words, "but maybe it's good for you. You've been on this defensive mode for so long. You need a little excitement in your life."

Lutfiyah smiled. "He is exciting."

Sara trolled with laughter. "He is though, isn't he? So delicious, gosh."

She smacked her cousin's head with a pillow. "You are married!"

"So? I'm looking at the menu. Not tasting."

They both started to laugh, falling silent abruptly as they heard May through the monitor.

"Well, it's time for bed. We can catch up properly tomorrow."

Lutfiyah nodded, knowing that these sessions were better than any therapy she could go for.


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