10. Reveal

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A melody was playing, it was soothing, I liked it. The tempo was slow, I liked it. My head started moving along, I liked it. But then a sudden pitch, a pitch that went off the melody, hit my ears as an electric shot, slapping me awake. The melody became disturbing, it was deafening, I didn't like it. It was noisy, I hated it. It turned out, to be nothing but my phone ring tone.

After it stopped I smiled with closed eyes knowing that the torture has stopped , but then another shot hit me for the second time. My hand found the phone - thankfully - looking at the dialer, 'Jimin' was calling. Who was calling is 'Jimin'. The caller was 'Jimin'.
I had him as 'Baby Mochi' before, but after every fight, I change it to Jimin, I didn't - and still don't--know what that would exactly do, but it was another way to express my anger to certainly no one but myself.

Accepting it, my yawn stopped in mid-action as an angry Jimin's voice hit my ear switching  my closed eyes to open, "See? That's why I never let you go out without me!", I caught these words amid all of the talking he did in less than a minute. I'm sure Jimin was going to be a World Wide Rapper er if he ever considered rapping.

The talk went on, and here I can use that idiomatic expression I've always studied in school, it's greek to me, that's when I realized what it really meant. " Jimin can I know what's wrong", his ruined mood eliminated what little sleep my eyes had, and now I was wide awake with 1000% concentration.

Lina then entered the room, her face was pale and she held her hands together rubbing them, her look was apologetic, which if I were to be certain, answered half of my questions, "Taehyung was there?", he asked after his pause, his voice was lower now-thankfully-.

"Yes?", I took a deep and calm breath, knowing he was going to lose his shit another time. And it was no use of lying, if I lied, it'd make things worse. Better deal with this level of angry husband. Cause the updated levels, are not something anyone would like to see. Not even me.

"Yes? You lied to me! I only accepted your going out since you were with Jin", he spat.

MY priority was one thing, Lana not hearing whatever he's saying. I didn't care about his words, how of a messed up situation I was in, how I was possibly going to get myself out of this trouble. Nothing mattered to me then. I only wanted Lana to be deaf in that minute, "First of all, can you calm down so that I can talk?", that was try one which I was praying for angels above that he'd do as requested , "Jin and I really went out together, but we found Taehyung there and then we entered together, well he entered with Jin and I was there, what should I do? Shoo him away? It's not like I was the one who brought him over", I lied, one thing that I can't tell him Taehyung is in his house, cause if he knew, the next will happen:
1. I'll be dead.
2. The baby will be dead.
3. Jin will be dead.
4. Lana will be dead.
5. Taehyung will be dead.
6. People who were in the cinema will be dead.
7. Avengers movie will be corrupted.
8. Jimin will go to jail.
I was able to save all of these lives by lying. I knew I didn't do anything illegal or any fault, I really didn't, so I was lying to calm him, not to cover up a fault I did.

"But he was there",

"But there were other people there, and we all watched the movie, it's not a club Jimin, only a movie! A fantasy movie! Let's not make a big deal out of nothing". I was giving Lana assuring smiles every now and then to show her that I got control of the situation, whereas deep down, I was having earthquakes in my body, but holding myself still inorder not to show her.

"But you didn't tell me that when you went back", well this Jimin now is convinced with my lie, but he's still mad at the idea. I smiled a content smile. Just abit more to go. THANKS ANGELS.

"Cause I know that you trust me, and trust your brother to take the same care you'd take of me when you're here", Lana now was grinning either by my words or that she knew he calmed down, anyways its a win win for me since Jimin was calm when talking to him, and Lana didn't have to witness anything I didn't want her to, "It's fine Jiminie, I swear nothing went on a way that you wouldn't like", I assured him, "now don't you have some work to do?", I asked trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

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