Four. Going Down Fighting

Start from the beginning

"Ouch Cam move!" I said smacking him on his neck.

He mugged me and got up. "I should deck you in ya shit."

"But you won't so move."

He mugged me then sat up on the end of my bed. "What you had to talk to me about?" he asked looking at me.

I sighed. I forgot all about that.

"Well I know. About the 'family business'." I said putting air quotes around the last part.

He looked up at me. "Who told you?"

"Well, it's a long story."

"Well tell me then."

I hesitated, but fuck it. I tell my brother everything.

"Last night Dash and this boy Chris got into it and then he pulled out a gun but Dash killed him." I said quickly.

I saw Cam's eyes flicker with anger as he looked at me and stood up. "That nigga pulled a gun on you?"

"No. Well yeah but Dash-"

"I shouldn't have left you. You aight?"

"I'm fine! Can y'all stop asking me that?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Aight lil girl. I don't want you worried bout what we do. You just keep doing you. I love you."

"I love you too." I said hugging him. He hugged me back tight.

Three days later

I was bored out of my mind. All of my cousins went to the beach house but I wasn't really feeling it. I flopped down on my bed and FaceTimed Bryson.

No answer.

I sighed. I decided to just go Live. My followers will show me some attention.

"Hey y'all." I said as the viewers rolled in.

user You're so pretty!
user  Why you didn't go on the trip with your family
hev2you  Hey pooh I miss you.
user Accept my request please.

I read through the comments. "Aw thanks that's all you. Umm wasn't really feeling it. I'm good here. Aww Hev it's only a week. Send me pictures. And umm I'm not tryn go live with nobody right now." I said playing with my nails.

This live was dry. "Aight bye y'all." I said ending the live and sighing.

I probably should have just went to the beach house. I just wasn't in the mood. They'll be there til Friday. My parents and aunts and uncles all went on vacation, too. This was so boring.

I scrolled through IG for a while until I heard something break making my heart jump.

"Shit!" I heard from downstairs.

I sat down on my bed listening hard. I pulled my phone out and called Cam. He was hundreds of miles away but I didn't know who else to call.

"Hello?" he answered on the second ring.

"Cam there's someone in the house." I whispered scared.


"There's somebody in the house. I heard them."

"You heard them what?"

"I don't know something broke and they yelled."

"Where you at?"

"My room."

"Lock your door, Jay. I'ma send Dash over there to see what's up."

"Cam don't hang u- Oh my god!" I jumped when I heard heavy footsteps. "Cam he's coming upstairs."

I heard shuffling on the other end of the line. "Is your door locked Jalynn?"

I tiptoed across the room and turned the lock. "It's locked."

"Dash on the way. Stay there."

"Where the fuck Ima go Cam!" I yelled and my heart froze realizing how loud I was.

He sighed on the other line. "Shit Jalynn!"

I backed up against the wall frozen. I didn't hear the footsteps anymore.

Then I heard footsteps again running toward my direction. Shit. "They're coming this way, Cam. I love you okay. And if that bitch Kyla come to my funeral have somebody beat her ass."

"Jalynn shut up." he said sighing.

I hung up on him and looked around the room. If I was going down I was going fighting.

I grabbed some scissors and stood by the door waiting.

The handle jiggled but didn't open because it was locked.

"Open the door! I can hear you in there!" I heard a muffled voice on the other side. My heart was racing.


A loud noise against my door. They're trying to break my door down. I stared at the door as the wood split. Then it broke down.

"Gotcha." the person said grabbing me and I shoved the scissors so hard into their side as they fell on top of me.

"AAAAH!" they yelled and I got a better look.

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