1. Perfect

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Summer was over and school had started again. Well actually college had started for Luke...

Luke sat down in the front of the class and took out his agenda and his pens and markers. He was always extra prepared for anything. He then took out his water bottle and putted it at the end of the table.

He lastely putted on a smile and leaned his arm on the table with his head in a resting position.

He was nervous and excited at the same time. He definitely didn't miss college during summer break. He had mixed feelings about college anyways.

One thing he did miss, was Michael Clifford. He for sure didn't have any mixed feelings about Michael, he was head over heels in love.

Luke loved his pretty eyes, nose, lips and his beautiful coloured hair. To the way he talked and his laugh made Luke's heart flutter. His smile was Luke's favourite. It just looked so good on him and it instantly makes Luke smile too. He was just so perfect in any way possible.

Luke looked at Michael with heart eyes. Michael looked around the classroom and saw that all the seats in the back were taken. In the front were only two seats left.

It was either sit next to Ramy Johnson, who smelled so so bad and farted during every class, or sit next to Luke..

He doubtes his choices and chose to sit next to Luke so he wouldn't smell the farts and disguisting body odor.

Michael sighed when he sat down at the desk next to Luke.

"Hey Michael" Luke said with a keen smile.

Michael rolled his eyes. "How was your summer vacation?" Luke asked.

"Was'good.." Michael answered queitly. He didn't make eye contact.

It was silent for a few seconds untill Luke had to compliment Michael on his looks again.

"I like the new colour you have in your hair, it really matches with your eyes" Luke said and putted his hands on his cheeks.

"You smell good, that's why I came to sit here instead of Ramy Johnson" Michael said 'complementing' Luke back.

"Oh how sweet Mikey" Luke said and smiled brightly.

"Shut up Luke" Michael said and took out his phone.

Sadly, Michael didn't have a crush on Luke...

"Okay class!" Mr. Irwin spoke loudly trough the class room. Everyone who was talking about what they did this summer went silent.

Calum, a fellow classmate of Luke, who had the biggest crush on their teacher held up his hand excitedly.

"Uhh..Calum?" Mr. Irwin said with his arms crossed.

"How was your vacation Mr. Irwin?" Calum said and smiled.

"We'll all talk about summer vacations later Calum, I'd like to start my class" Ashton said and smiled back. Calum nodded and blushed.

"So..pshycology" Mr. Irwin said and opened a presentation in power point.

"This is the first time you have this class right?" Mr. Irwin asked. The class responded with mixed forms of a 'yes' before Mr. Irwin continued.

"Good, well..let me explain to you what the rules are in my class" Mr. Irwin said.

"Number 1, raise your hand if you wanna ask or say something, do not speak when you shouldn't have spoken"

Jason, also a classmate of Luke, huffed and sat back in his chair.

"Number 2, do not eat in my class"

Before Mr. Irwin could continue, a girl named Ally had ro interrupt him again by raising her hand. He sighed "yes Ally?" Mr. Irwin spoke.

"Mr. Irwin, we always have P.E on wednesday and then right after we have psychology..how we supposed to drink and eat in that time?" Ally said sassy.

"Don't you have break during that time?" Mr. Irwin asked and raised an eyebrow.

"What she ment to say is that she needs all the time in the world to get ready, right princess?" Michael said interrupting the conversation.

"Ugh shut your mouth Mike" Ally said and looked at her nails.

"Clifford, see me after class" Mr. Irwin responded.

Michael rolled his eyes and rested his head on his table.

"Now onto the real question here..what is psychology?...psychology is the study of the mind and behavior"

"Hey Mikey" Luke said and stood besides Michael's locker.

Michael took a glance behind his opened locler door to see who it was.

"Oh it's you again" Michael said and stuffed away his books.

"I made notes of all the classes we had today and even wrote an extra copy for you" Luke said and handed stack of papers. He smiled brightly like usual. Luke was a perfectionist and especially when it came to school.

Michael looked at Luke for a second. "You're weird" Michael said but grabbed the notes anyways.

"..thanks" Michael said as he closed his locker and started walking towards the exit.

"See you tomorrow!" Luke waved.

Michael didn't look back but just raised his hand quickly before walking out of school.

Luke thought of Michael when he went home, went to make his homework, went to make dinner and even when he layed in bed at night. His cheeks were hurting from how much he had smiled thinking of Michael.

Luke had liked Michael ever since kinder garten when they were little kids, his feelings hadn't changed since.

Luke liked Michael when they went to high school. Michael had grown so tall over the time. He was musclar and had a beautiful fringe. Luke was still little and was very thin. Michael had a more grown face while Luke had a baby face still. Michael was always good at sports and arts while Luke was good at maths and English.

Luke always looked up at Michael.

He was just so perfect

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