chapter 2: ghost training

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Inside the room was lite by candles. Y/n and Issei saw a little girl with white hair and eating a chocolate bar.

 Y/n and Issei saw a little girl with white hair and eating a chocolate bar

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Issei: wow is that Koneko.

Y/n: who?

Kiba: oh Koneko is a first grader and a member to our club.

Koneko turn to them.

Y/n: hi Koneko.

Koneko: hello Y/n.

Issei: how dose she know your name?!

Y/n: gest the girls must of tell her.

Then they hair a shower on. They turn and there was a shower.

Y/n: why is there a shower there?

???: Rias your clothes are waiting for you outside.

Rais: thanks Akeno.

Then a black long hair turn to them and walk to them.

Akeno: hello you two I'm Akeno it's great to see new members in our club

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Akeno: hello you two I'm Akeno it's great to see new members in our club.

Y/n: well I'm glad as well?

Akeno: don't be shy cuite we are not going to eat you.

Y/n: (laugh nervously)

Akeno: Well Fuyu will sens his strong.

Issei: who?

She point at the guy having short black hair and leaning against the wall and Yurusen flouting beside him.

She point at the guy having short black hair and leaning against the wall and Yurusen flouting beside him

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Highschool dxd harem x Kamen rider ghost reader.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora