I flicked on the lamp on the bedside. It only provided a dim glow.

Forthwith, I didn't feel like laughing at all. My stomach began to swirl. I laid back, looking up at the ceiling, trying to ignore the sick feeling I was getting.

I could hear a faint murmur, but I couldn't make out the words, or where it was coming from. I was too caught up in my thoughts.

At that point, I knew why I felt weird.

Since Grandma Jane had been sick lately, I've wanted to go see her. It's like she had something to tell me, or the other way around. Something tells me she doesn't have very long, but I don't want to think negative. Negativity is never good, above all because the word itself belongs to an incomprehensible mind.

Pulling me from my tranquil, Niall's voice appeared, "Did you hear me?"

"Oh," I said, acting like I heard him. I hadn't a clue in the world what he had just said, but I didn't want to ask him to repeat himself. "Sure."

"You didn't even hear me," he said, while plopping himself down next to me. "I said what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied. He probably already had a lot of things on his mind, and if I threw my problems on him, how right would that be?

He sighed, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, "How stupid do I seem?"

"Well... You are blonde," I smiled, reaching my hand up to his hair, and ruffling it, trying to make him laugh.

He rolled his eyes in defeat, knowing I wasn't going to tell... At least not anytime soon. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah," I sat up, crossing my feet. "I know."

We stared at each other in silence.

"So tell my why you decided to take the room at the very end of the house," I exaggerated, using hand gestures.

"This room has the best sight out of the whole house, right out that window," he laughed, pointing behind him.

I nodded. I wasn't sure if he saw it though.

"But you have to see it at sunset," he said excitedly, "It's truly amazing."

I paused, and processed that. "I'll think about it," I laughed.

He didn't respond, he just grinned, staring at me, and I stared back, blushing.

It was a slightly awkward silence, and the other half was more of a comfortable silence. I don't really know how to explain what type of silence it was, but it was there.

Niall opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He closed his mouth again, and we continued to stare at each other.

I was about to say something random, because for some reason, I didn't like the silence, I wanted to hear his voice again. But then instead, Liam's voice sounded through the corridors, "Food's here!"

I mentally thanked Liam for perfect timing, and saving me from having said something stupid.

"Finally... That felt like eternity!" Niall sighed in relief.

I couldn't tell if he was happy because the food was here, or because the weird silence had ended, what ever the cause was, it didn't matter.

Everyone was on the floor around the coffee table, laughing and eating.

Niall released my hand and rushed to sit down next to Zayn on the floor.

I leant in the door frame, and smiled at how much he loved food. If I didn't know better, he'd probably end up marrying food, over me.

Never Forget [book one]Where stories live. Discover now