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I thought about what our plan was going to be. How were we supposed to help Felix and his friends escape?

The only obstacle was Chan and Woojin hyung. If I got them outta the way, then our coast was clear. We would have enough time to get Felix and the others out of the house.

I just had to distract the two of them. So I went to Chan hyung and tried to talk him into something.

" Oh Changbin, what news have you brought me? " he asked me.

" Not news, more like a request. Hyunjin wants you to go and talk to Seungmin's brother about whether he knows that we have Seungmin in our custody. Are you ok with going? " I asked. I made up the whole thing just for him to get out of the house.

" I'm fine with going. I have no problem " Chan hyung replied with a smile. I think he was quite happy that he was getting out of the house. " I'll just take my gun just in case, and I'll be headed outside ok? " he said and went to his room.

Great. Now I just have to convince Woojin hyung.

I searched for him throughout the house but he was nowhere to be seen. I saw Minho in the kitchen and decided to ask him where Woojin hyung was.

" Have you seen Woojin? "

" He's gonna be out all day, he's gone to our headquarters to get us new equipment for the gym and weaponry. He asked me to go along with him but I declined his offer since I wanted to help you guys with your plan " Minho replied.

Wow, problem solved. Woojin was already out of the way. There was no more obstacles.

" Minho, follow me. We're going to talk to Hyunjin "



Seungmin's a sleepy person. He calls asleep too fast and he sleeps almost all day. I can't blame him though, there's nothing else he can possibly do tied to a pillar.

He was soundly sleeping on my lap as my hand strokes his soft fluffy brunette hair. I smiled at the view of him. He looked so beautiful without even trying. I sure was a lucky guy to have such a boy to myself. All to myself.

As I was admiring Seungmin, Changbin came bursting into the room along with Minho, which woke up the poor sleeping baby. Seungmin slowly got up from my lap and sat lazily against the pillar, running his eyes, yawning.

" You guys could have been a little quieter. Seungmin was sleeping! " I told them.

" Sorry Hyunjin, but this is quite important and we need Seungmin to stay awake for this " Changbin said.

" Can someone tell me what's going on? " Minho asked.

" Yeah, I'm confused too " Seungmin added.

" I have a plan, to get Seungmin, Felix and Jisung out of this place. I've already executed half of it " Changbin replied.

" What plan? What did you do? " I asked him.

" I realized that out only way out was through the basement door or the front door, but since Chan and Woojin were always in the house we couldn't just walk out, so I somehow made it happen so that they won't be home for a long time. They were are only obstacles since we don't know if they were on our sides of your dad's side. Right now, the both of them are not home and they won't be back for a long time " Changbin replied.

" Changbin, that's amazing! " I exclaimed.

" You can thank me later Hyunjin. Right now there's only Felix, Jisung and the four of us left in this house. If we start now, we can pack our weapons and start heading out " Changbin said.

" Yeah, he's right. We should make it quick " Minho added.

I got up and removed Seungmin's ropes and helped him up.

" Go to Felix and Jisung's room and remove their ropes too. Changbin, Minho and I will go and pack some weapons. Stay there and we'll come and get you once we're done " I told Seungmin who immediately nodded and went to the other room.

We talked for a while about what we were going to pack and then we decide to head out. " Let's get going guys. Time's ticking " I said and was about to head out but luck was not our side.

The one person, who we were avoiding was standing near the door.

" You're not going anywhere. You thought you got rid of me? Well, you're wrong " he said.



Sorry for the cliff hanger, yikes!
More updates are on the way, so stay tuned.
Also, this book might get over in two or three chapters :'(

Happy Birthday to my darlings Youngjae and Minhee!!
They both just define beauty omg...

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