~Chapter 2~

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Rileys P.O.V.
I go to my vanity and then Zach come behind me and turns the chair around he pulls me up again he says "I can't get enough of you"
I blush then he pushes me on the bed he climbs on top of me he smashes his lips on mine making me wrap my hands around his neck I groan into his mouth making him moan back I smirk and then he feels his hands going down to my butt he reaches under the dress and squeezes my ass I feel him pause for a slight second as he realizes what type of underwear I'm wearing then we make out a bit and he then pulls away and then attaches his lips to my neck making me moan I the push him away I say "No this isn't right Zach, I can't"
He looks at me sadly I say "Sorry"
Then I get out from under him I look back at him and slightly I can see his boner I didn't mean to I just liked it but no way can I be doing that with the biggest player in our school I go to my vanity again I get my foundation cover the hickey then I do some simple highlight and mascara I get up and see Zach on my bed on his phone I then her more knocking I say "You need to leave"
He says "rather not"
I sigh and walk downstairs I open the door and see my besties they gasp when they see I'm actually dressed then I say "Zach's in my room"
They gasp again then Mariana grabs my arm and moves my face to where she can see my neck then I remember they hickey too late she says "Oh my god I'm dead its a hickey"
she says "Zach You Oh my god what happened"
I say "Nothing now leave i'll meet you there"
I go upstairs and say "Shouldn't we leave"
He sighs and says "I guess"
We go to his car and leave to his house we walk in and see a few people he takes everything out I see some vodka I run to it and pour myself a glass knowing it's my favorite and either way I'm gonna get drunk tonight I dip it as I feel it burn my throat I see Zach walk over to me he says "Dang you getting drunk already"
I smile and say "No"
then I drink the rest of it I pour myself another glass and I walk away with it lets just say fifteen minutes later I'm wasted I'm grinding on a guy as his hands go down my dress he grabs my boob making me grab his junk then next thing I know the guys knocked out on the ground then I'm lifted over a hot guys shoulder wait is it, Zach, whatever he then lays me on a bed and he locks the door he lays next to me and gets on his phone I say "Babe, I dont feel good"
He says "Uh ok shorty"
then I get up I leave as Zach gets up and follows me I almost fall down the stairs but luckily I don't I go and get another drink I drink it then take a shot I lost Zach somewhere then after two shots I'm back to making out with a boy he lifts my dress only to my stomach I'm in my thong and the rest is covered he lifts me over his head making me laugh I go to lift the rest of my dress off I get it off right as I'm grabbed again the guy grabs my dress and pulls me to a room again he locks the door and then tells me "Put the dress on"
I say "No I wanna be free"
he then grabs a shirt that would fit him and he slides it over my head he then lays me on the bed he lays next to me and then I wrap my arms around him I start kissing his neck he moans making me go higher then he pushes me away and he mumbles to himself angrily I sigh and then I put my leg on top of him and lay on him then I snuggle my head into his chest I then fall asleep.
Next morning
I wake up and I try to move my head then I get a killer headache and I feel bare skin under me I open my eyes and see Zach I get up off him I look at the shirt on me I then freak out I shake Zach he wakes up and says "Goodmorning Shorty"
I say "What happened did we have sex"
I say "No I saved your ass you were about to go around naked you pulled your dress off when this dude told you to as soon as that happened I saw you I went to get you but people walk in front of me when I see you again you're naked except for you underwear"
he blushes I blush and look down he continues "I brought you up here and put the shirt on you"
I nod and then say "Sorry"
He says "It's fine"
I say "Do you have any painkillers"
He says "Yeah"
Then walks into a different room he grabs a box or them and gives me two since I had a really bad hangover he says "I see why you don't go to parties"
I look down embarrassed he says "Next time instead of drinking we can hang i'll watch you"
I nod then I grab my dress and go to the bathroom I change into my house I redo my hair I then say "Take your shirt"
He then gets up and we go to my house I go to lay down but he says "We have a school you know"
I sigh then he goes through my closet again
he throws this at me an says "This one"

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