32 • Leblanc

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12/18 Evening

"My election is the result of every citizen's aid. Your support warms my heart! That is why... that is exactly why... I cannot forgive myself! The reason President Okumura passed away is... I am the one who killed him"

While Shido spoke the men standing to the side of him were starting to get worried, trying to get them to stop the broadcast.

"I also manipulated the information that the Phantom Thieves were behind the series of incidents. The one who controlled the hearts of others and gave rise to the countless victims... is myself. It was all for my own promotion, for my own selfish gain. I've even used people's lives as stepping stones in order to claim this country as my own ship. I am a true criminal that can be tried for any crime, and it still wouldn't be enough! I will confess everything! Please, I beg everyone to pass judgement on me... if I could atone for all I've done with my life, I request that I be judged at once"

They finally stopped the broadcast. I sat back in the booth with a sigh of relief, Ryuji's arm going from the back of the seat to my shoulders. We were all in Leblanc, celebrating.

Nijima explained what would happen with Shido. It'd be a long process, but she'd make sure everything went how it was supposed to.

12/23 Evening

Just as everything seemed to be great, it all went downhill. Shido was in the hospital and they were postponing the election. Not only that, Shido's case didn't seem like it was going to stick.

"... if we use Mementos, we might be able to do something," Mona says.

"There's something we can do there?" Ryuji asks.

"Like I told you before, Mementos is the Palace of the general public. It's the source of all distortions and is maintained by the people's collective unconsciousness"

"Wait... do you mean that there's a Treasure even in Mementos!?" Makoto asks.

"I've never seen it, but it's true. I'm certain there's a Treasure down there," I say.

"And if we go after that-"

"The collapse of Mementos should affect the public as a whole. The state of society would change too. If everyone's hearts grow to hold Shido responsible for his actions, things might start going our way," Morgana says.

"It's a bold plan, but an interesting one," Yusuke says.

"Sounds good to me!" Ryuji says, standing up in the booth.

"But if we're going to do this, there's one thing you all need to realize," Morgana said, but no one got what he was saying. "To begin with, why does something like the human cognition exist as another, substantial world? The reason for that is most likely sleeping within Mementos. We'll be destroying that, you know"

"I don't see where you're going with this"

"The human cognition will lose substance, so you can't sneak into people's Palaces anymore! So if other criminals appear, you won't be able to steal their Treasure and change their hearts"

"When there's no more Treasure, there's no more Mementos. Which means no more Phantom Thieves," I mumble.

"We'll have to discard this way of life..." Haru says.

Ann stood up. "I think we need to do this. I mean, we're the group who's reforming society, right?"

"Akira, what do you think as our leader?" Morgana asks. "You'll lose your powers if Mementos is erased. Will you still do it?"

"We have to," he answered.

"I see. All right. It seems there are no objections"

"Did you come up with a plan?" Nijima asks us.

"Wether it succeeds or not is another story though," Makoto told her.

"Miss prosecutor... looks like this is gonna be our last job," Ryuji said.

"Last job?" Nijima repeats.

"Get Shido for us," Akira said to Nijima.

"Once we accomplish our duty, we entrust the world to respectful adults. That is our condition for accepting this job," Haru says.

"This is a deal then... that's certainly a heavy condition. But very well, I accept. I swear to make Masayoshi Shido stand and be tried in the court of law. Besides... my pride won't allow me to be continually saved by you all without doing anything in return," Nijima said.

"We'll be counting on you," Makoto says.

"Looks like it's decided then?" Sojiro asks.

"We don't have much time, right? We should carry this out tomorrow. I'm counting on you guys. No matter what happens, you better see it through!" Morgana said.

We all went our separate ways, Ryuji coming with me after offering to take me home. We were on the subway, close together in the tightly packed car. But someone bumped into me, making me bump into Ryuji. I couldn't move away from him, so I was stuck against his chest.

"You okay about the plan?" He whispers, one of his hands going around my waist to help keep me steady.

I kept my head down. "It has to be done. Although I'll be destroying the only thing I've known for years... no, that doesn't matter anymore"

"Hey," he said, making me look up when he didn't continue. Our faces were close together, it made me blush. "It'll be okay. Mementos might be gone but I won't, neither will the others"

 Spectra (Ryuji x OC)  Where stories live. Discover now