14 • Kaneshiro's Bank

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6/20 After School

Makoto decided to help us figure out how to get in contact with Kaneshiro, but it ended up in her pretty much being kidnapped. Once we got to where they brought her we found her pinned to the ground.

"Who the fuck are you!?" A pierced man demands.

"Nijima!" Yusuke says.

"What the hell'd you do to her?!" Ryuji asks.

"Ohh, I get it," Kaneshiro says from his corner seat on the couch. "You got followed, you dumb shits!"

He opened a brief case revealing a ton of money. "Holy moly!" Morgana exclaimed.

"That bag you saw the other day, the crocodile one. How much was it?" Kaneshiro asks the girl next to him.

"About three million?" She answers. He handed her some of the money and she gasped. "For reals?"

"Better thank those guys. I'm royally pissed right now. Can you tell? You know how spending money relieves stress? It's you goddamn brats sniffing around like dogs and barging in like you own the joint! See this empty space? I'm so pissed that now there's a three million yen gap here. It pisses me off even more if I don't fill it up. I'm a perfectionist. So, good luck"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yusuke asks.

Kaneshiro took a picture of us on his phone. "Come on, you all look so tense. I think I'll call it... debauchery of minors at a club. So, can I send this to your school? Oh damn, I got booze and cigs in the shot! Maybe some drugs too? Ahh, this is so hilarious. I feed on dumb shits like you. Understand, pretty little student council president? Now listen up. Run your mouth to the police, and I'll break all of you, starting with your families. I want to give you the usual month, but well, you have such a large group here... three weeks. Bring three million yen by then, no less. Summer bonuses are around the corner, you know? It'll be easy if you beg your mommies and daddies," the other men chuckled. "Now, get out of my sight. I'm about to have some fun"

"What!? To hell with that!" Ryuji shouts.

"Don't bother with him. Makoto's safety is more important right now," Morgana says.

The man holding down Makoto let her up and we left. We walked down the street a little then stopped when Makoto spoke up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to drag you in like this"

Ryuji chuckled. "For real"

"I was stupid"

"I agree. You should've easily imagined this happening," Yusuke says.

"Hey, Yusuke..." Ann started.

"I was so caught up in trying to be useful..." Makoto said.

"All right. Enough of the blame game! What's done is done," Ryuji says.

"I'm gonna cause trouble for Sis too..."

"Sis?" Ann asks.

"My older sister has a commendable job and she's a much more remarkable person than me. A lot happened after we lost our father three years ago, so it's just us living together. But I'm still a child, so all I am is a burden to her..."

 Spectra (Ryuji x OC)  Where stories live. Discover now