Chapter 1~The Beggining

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It all started 7 years ago,when I was 13, during a Halloween night. The sky was a very dark shade of blue, almost black, actually. Every house in the town was brightly decorated with pumpkins, Jack O' lanterns, skeletons, and almost every Halloween decoration. Of course there's always a house that has a bowl filled with treats and a sign that says "Please take one" by their driveway or front yard. We all know that nobody actually takes just one, right?

"JULIET COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard a familiar voice call.
Oh yay it's my wonderful mother! Not.

My parents are always fighting, and they take their anger out on me. I have a bruise on each arm and a red mark on my cheek from when they last fought which was last night. They were fighting about dad getting drunk. I didn't question them about it like I used to, 3 months ago. Knowing that it would basically be asking for another bruise.

I walked up the porch and to my mother. "Listen here, you little bitch," my mom tugged on the end of my dress, "If you're not back by 8 o'clock sharp, you can't come back in this house ever again." She stated through her gritted teeth and let go of my dress then she walked back in the house.
I looked at my watch and it shows that it's 7:35. I fixed my fake blood stained white dress, grabbed my pillow case, and walked to the house next door.

I rang the doorbell and waited. There was mumbling inside then seconds later, a beautiful woman opened the door. She was quite tall, brunette, and had brown eyes.

"Trick or treat?" I said, which came out more like a question, making me sound very confused.

"Hi sweetie!" She responded, "Here, which one would you like?" she asked, handing me a bowl of many different kinds of large chocolate bars and mini chip bags.

I took a KitKat bar. "Thank you! Goodbye!" I said.

"Goodbye and be safe!" She replied.

I stepped back and turned around. Slowly, I began walking to the next house.

"HAYES HURRY UP! Let's go Skylynn" I heard someone behind me.

Then, that someone, who was a teenage boy with a little girl wearing an 'Elsa from Frozen' costume, which I assumed that was Skylynn, walked ahead of me. I was walking pretty slow so I don't blame them.

We got to the next house and right when Skylynn said "Trick or treat", a tall boy who looked a bit younger than the first one, came running to Skylynn and the other teenage boy.

I continued through my street. Basically, I lost track of time. I looked down at my watch to see "8:07".

I sprinted back to my house. I saw my mom with an evil smirk plastered on her face as she stared me down, locked out of our house with no where to go. In that moment, I felt like crying but I was too scared for anyone would see me like this. She then walked away.

I went to the corner of our porch then I set down my pillow case of treats, that will work as my pillow for tonight, or forever. Then I took my long cardigan that I brought from under the pillow case. Finally, I laid down and made my cardigan as my blanket. It was still cold and it wasn't comfortable but it's better than nothing. I closed my eyes and gave sleep a shot, though it was difficult.

"Sweetie, sweetie, wake up." I heard, interrupting my not-so-great rest.


A/N: Who could it be?

I hope you're enjoying this story so far💕

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