Chapter 8

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Miley's POV
We get home around ten o'clock in the Night, smiling softly when we walk into Demi's Room (well actually ours) and see her snuggled up in bed with Dinah. Her Hand is tightly holding onto her Shirt, like she'd do it with her Bear. The Meeting didn't go too much longer, given we all, Me, my Wife and Decker, wanted to leave rather soon.


I laugh to myself at Dinah's Groaning, but internally hope that she doesn't wake up Demi. She's become pretty much my Sister as well now, best friend for sure. It's only five in The Morning on a Monday, which means Zendaya and Dinah have to get to work. As the Leaders we don't have to work too often, but at least one day a Week we do, unlike Dinah, who has to work everyday except Sunday. Zendaya works on Mondays and Thursdays, I work on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays. "Morning Sunshine.", I tease as she joins me in the Bathroom, taking a Toothbrush as well.

"Your Bed is comfortable, might stay here in some time again.", She Replies And I chuckle. "How was Demi yesterday thought?", I ask. "She's an Angel, Miles'. Went to brush her Teeth when I told her, even ate Dinner after a little bit of a Yes-Why-Because game. Slept like..well a Baby, woke up just once when she had used the Diaper. Changed her, rather easy if you don't count the twenty minutes to calm her down from crying, then diapered her new and gave her a Paci, slept through the rest of the Night like a Stone.", Dinah explains and I smile proudly. Of course it hurts to know that she had cried, but honestly, I would be more concerned if she hadn't.


"Good Morning, Doll.", I coo as I wake up Demi. It's about eight o'clock now and Dinah and My Wife have left for work, both placing a Kiss on Demi's Head before they'd leave. I pick her up and settle her on my Hip, while she's rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists, seemly trying to wake up fully. "Mommy.", She mutters And snuggles into me, her Hands over my Shoulders and her Face in my Neck. "Yes, Baby. Today's just us two, Mama had to tend to work, but she'll be back soon okay? Wanna go and get breakfast?", I ask and she looks at me with tired little eyes. "Why?", She Asks as we get downstairs. "So your Little Tummy won't grumble.", I reply and tickle her Stomach a Little, knowing that she's super Ticklish on her Stomach, Legs and Armpits. "Otay Mommy!", She squeals, Giggling under my 'Attack'.

I prepare some Apple-moose and cut Carrots into small Pieces before putting it separately on a Plate and setting it in front of Demi, who's happily swinging her Legs in her Highchair. I also fill a Bottle with Milk before I sit down next to my Baby and start feeding her. "Mommy?", She Asks after about three fed spoons of Apple-moose. "Yeah, Babydoll?", I ask and brush some hair out of her Face. I'm probably going to have to wash her anyways, given she's a messy little thing when it comes to Eating. "No hungwy anymore.", she answers with a pout. "Aw Baby you just had three bites. How about three more of the Apple moose and one big bite of the Carrot, hm?", I suggest and she sighs but nods. I don't want to overwhelm her with food, especially if she's not used to it, but I do want her to eat enough to be healthy. She does as she's told before reaching her Hands out for me and whining. I immediately get the Signal and pick her up, gently bouncing her so she'd calm down a little. Instead thought, she just continues whimpering until a Tear escapes her Eyes. "Sssh it's all good, Sweetie, Mommy will get you out of that yucky Diaper in a Minute.", I promise and quickly put the plate in the sink before walking upstairs.

"Sssh see? Your Room's done.", I coo and step into the Nursery, hoping that would distract her a little. To my relief it did, very much actually. She stopped crying and started sucking her Thumb instead, all while looking around the Room curiously. The Nursery is all in white and a little bit of light Grey. There's a Closet with Diapers and Clothes in the right corner, next to it is her Crib with a Little Mobile above. Next to the Bed is a little rocking horse, which is fluffy and of course also in white and soft grey colors, and against the left wall there's a sofa standing. Next to the Sofa there is the Changing Table, on which I lay Demi down.

I immediately get to work and take off the Romper and the Diaper, seeing that she finally went potty. I grab some baby wipes from the Commode next to the Changing Table and quickly clean her up. Every time I look up at her she's looking wide eyed through the Room. After the second time of looking up at her, I grab a Paci and push it between her Lips, stopping her from ruining her Teeth by sucking too much on her Thumb. "Let's get you bathed now, hm? Mommy's Messy Baby.", I coo, getting her Attention again. "Wif Twoys?", She Asks And I smile and nod, making her smile. If the Toys were something that made bathing her better, then so it be. I lift her onto my Hip and throw the Diaper into the Diaper bin, then walk over to the Bathroom and turn on the Water for the Bathtub.

"Remember, no splashing on the Floor, okay?", I ask and she nods quickly as I give her the Bath Toys. "Good Girl.", I reply smiling and ruffle her Hair a little, making her giggle. She's so precious I love her with all my Heart, even if it hasn't even been so long that we've got her already. I grab her Floats and put them onto her Arms again, making her Grin and poke them with her Finger. Given she's already naked and now obviously occupied with playing with her (thank god) still unloaded Bath Toys, I turn back to the Bathtub, adding as much Bubbles as possible and changing the Water to a good temperature. I'm a good Mommy.

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