Chapter 2 - I Want To Be Human

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"There's a Kingdom to the east called Vale," she explained, "I want you to go there and investigate the area along some Grimm. You just need to report on the outskirts of the Kingdom."

I nodded and proceeded to walk off before hearing her voice sound from behind me.

"If you see a human," the air turned frigid and cold, "kill them."

(Salem POV)

I smiled as I watched that Grimm walk out the door, I was about to send a telepathic message to it only for my smile to fade. I frowned as I searched within my consciousness and started panicking, the link I had to that Grimm was gone. I couldn't find it anywhere, someway, somehow, that Grimm is no longer under my control. 

I started shaking, in fear? Anger? I don't even know anymore. I've never cut of a connection with a Grimm before, so how could I lose one? Could that Grimm cut our connection off? That must be it, but why though? 

"It's turning on me," the thought went through my head, scaring me, "because of the weakness I've shown, it thinks I'm soft."

"No, it wouldn't," I thought.

"It would!" a dark voice echoed through I head, "Because of this past year, that Grimm has gained something no other Grimm has ever had. Feelings. Who can say that these feelings won't drive it to betray me?"

My eyes hardened, no, that's right, I got too attached to that Grimm, I showed weakness. That's it can betray me. If I leave it be, then those thoughts will lead it to fight back. Those times we spent together, those stories, everything, I exposed all my weaknesses, and now it thinks I'm weak. 

"But I can change its mind right?" I thought desperately. I closed her eyes and tried to probe the Beowulf's mind, only to feel nothing. I snapped open her eyes. 

This was the first time this has happened. All the Grimm should be under my control right? Why not this one?! Why?!

Wait. Why am I scared? Why am I scared of that Grimm betraying me?

No. I know the answer. This past month with it brought a feeling that I had forgotten so long ago.

The feeling of a mother.

"You know what you must do," the voice said coldly.

I sat there, closed eyes, steady breathing. After a while I opened my eyes, back to it's original cold and dark look.

"I have to get rid of all my weaknesses," I thought, "all of them."

"Yes, you must—"

"I gave it an order to kill any human on sight," I cut of the voice in my head, "if it follows through then everything will be fine, if it doesn't then I'll do it."


(??? POV)

I don't want to kill, I don't want mother to be a bad person. I want her to smile, I want her to be happy. Killing won't solve that, killing would only make it harder. Wait, what is a bad person?

"But I don't want to disappoint her," I muttered. I suddenly sensed negative feelings and walked in the opposite direction, "I need to avoid all humans in that case then."

Using my claws, speed and strength, I rushed up the side of a mountain and landed on top. In the distance, I see a kingdom with a huge tower centred in the middle. I marvel at the sight before noticing a stone plate at the edge of this cliff. I bend down to look at it, I think it's a grave, something Salem mentioned. Something that's built over the dead. I can't read the letters so I proceed to make my way down.

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