Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"Do you need help?" he asked

"No I'm trying to see if I can carry all these bags by myself" I joked, "Of course I need help."

He took my two guitars from me and walked into through the doors. Jonesy, Robert, and Bonzo were just standing around my desk, I'm also guessing they were waiting for me.

"What's with all the bags Hazel?" Bonzo asked.

"Piss off John its only four bags plus a human." I joked while putting my bags down.

I heard Jonesy chuckle silently. Oh my god is that a laugh I hear form the silent one.

"Are my ears perceiving me or is Jonesy making noise?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Nope they aren't" Jonesy spoke and I gasps again jokingly.

Jonesy is great. He's very quiet and really polite. He's a great guy and is pretty trustworthy. I mean so is Jimmy, somewhat, but Jonesy's Jonesy. I looked over to Lisa who was just standing there in awe. I went to sit down in my chair but Mr. Grant came from the corner.

"Alright since everyone's here now I can fully talk" he said without looking up from some papers, "We have a change of plans."'

"What's the change of plans?" Robert asked.

"Well first were leaving here in an hour. Second, you guys are going to America for the rest of August starting the fourteenth and performing in Asbury Park, New Jersey instead of Woodstock. Lastly, you have a show today in Paris than another one on Monday, also in Paris. So be ready to leave and that's all." He said before turning back from where he came from.

~One Hour Later~

I was finally time to go after waiting for an hour. We all got into a limo, which was fucking amazing, which took us to the airport. Once we got to the airport, we went through the gates that lead you to where the plane was. Special treatment I guess. We stopped in front of a plane that had 'Led Zeppelin' written hugely on it. We got out of the limo, I was the first one out, I put on my sunglasses and walked towards the trunk to get Lisa and my bags out. I went to grab it until somebody stopped me.

"Excuse me Miss but we will get that for you" one of the roadies, I'm guessing who was my personal roadie thanks to Jimmy, told me.

"Oh alright thank you but let me take my guitar with me" I said with a smile.

With that I grabbed Stevie and walked towards the steps. Everyone seemed to be on the plane but Lisa, Jimmy, and I. Jimmy went before us and handed the lady his passport. I took out mine and Lisa's passport and walked up to the lady. I gave her the passports and she handed them back to me letting us on to the plane.

Inside the plane was pretty amazing and huge. There was a freaking fireplace in it with a bar, which was fully stocked with liquor, a bunch of couches and a couple Lazy Boy chairs. I sat down next to Jimmy who had a glass of whiskey and put my head on his shoulder. Now I just have to wait and I'll be in Paris.

~After the Flight~

The flight wasn't that long but long enough for me to take a nap. It was pretty nice of you ask me. When we got off the plane I swear I could smell croissant in the air. There were cars and a van waiting for us. Roadies started to pack up the van with the equipment and suitcases. Once we got down from the steps, Jimmy, Robert, Lisa and myself took one car. I wasn't quite happy with Robert being near my sister. He's been looking at her the way Jimmy looks at me. It was quiet weird if you ask me. Jonesy, Bonzo, Mr. Grant and this guy Richard Cole went in the other car while the roadies had to take the last care, which was pretty big.

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