Chpater 39

573 16 10

Hello yes. i'm alive. just very very busy. sorry this chapter is shit. but, only bc shits abt to go down. okay. happy reading.


The rest of the week went by smoothly with no issues from Yeonjun or Byeol's father. Jeongin was true to his word and stayed with Byeol as much as he could, only leaving when he had to take Hana back home, but making sure that Minki and Jisung were with her.

Chan and Woojin hadn't had any luck in trying to get Yeonjun to confess to planning to hurt or kill Byeol. In fact, they were being left out of group discussions and Yeonjun would 'forget' to tell them when they had a meeting.

Jeongin and Chan came to the conclusion that Yeonjun knew Chan was helping Byeol, and therefore stopped including him. Because of this, and not wanting to risk anything, the only people who knew about Soobin were Jeongin, Byeol, Minki, Jisung, and Chan.

It was now Saturday night and everyone had previously decided to meet at Hyunjin's house before the race tonight. The guys were all in the living room playing some combat game on the TV while Minki, Byeol, Jae, and Jinhye were in the kitchen talking and eating.

"So Jinhye, how's it going with Seungmin?" Minki's question caused the poor girl to choke on her tea as she had just taken a sip.

"Um *cough* it's good. He's really sweet and treats me like a princess," Jinhye smiled and looked down at her feet. "He's always so sweet and gets me anything I want and more, even if I don't ask. Sometimes he sings me to sleep too."

"Aww! You guys are so cute!" Minki squealed and smiled at Jinhye.

The other girls giggled and continued talking about random things. After about 2 hours of just hanging out, everyone loaded up in their cars and headed to the racing track.

After Jeongin parked, he ran around the car and opened the door for Byeol, kissing her hand as he helped her out. He laced their fingers together and walked them to where the others were.

"Alright, so first up is Hyunjin, then Jeongin, and I'll be last tonight. You guys ready?" Jisung wrapped his arms around Minki's waist as he pulled her in front of him and rested his head on top of hers.

"Sounds good boss. We'll just go check up on the cars. Seungmin, you stay here and keep your girl company, we'll be fine," Changbin stated as he grabbed Felix's hand and dragged him away, the younger boy slightly blushing.

"Well I will never say no to that," Seungmin smiled as he pulled Jinhye to him and kissed her forehead, causing Minki, Jaee, and Byeol to smile widely.

"Okay okay enough cheesy stuff," Jisung rolled his eyes and started walking to where they would all watch the races. "Hyunjin, you should probably go ahead and go down there. It's starting soon."

The older boy nodded his head and kissed Jaee before heading down to the track.

Everyone else headed to the rail to watch as Hyunjin raced and unsurprisingly won.

"Well I should head down now, wish me luck!" Jeongin stood up, Byeol following his actions. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tiptoes in order to kiss him. His arms wrapped around her smaller frame and he smiled into the kiss.

She finally pulled away and nervously smiled. "Be safe Innie, I love you."

"I love you more, baby," Jeongin kissed her nose before heading down to the track.

"Oh. Em. Gee. You guys are so freaking cute!" Minki jumped up and down as Byeol sheepishly smiled. "Ji, when's the last time we had a moment like that? Feels like forever!" Minki pouted as she walked up to Jisung, weaving her fingers through his now light brown hair.

Jisung leaned into Minki's touch then suddenly leaned down and kissed her nose. "I'm sorry baby, I've just had a lot on my mind. I'll make it up to you."

Minki smiled and nodded as she hugged her boyfriend.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick before Jeongin races. I'll be right back!" Before anyone could say anything, Byeol was mixed in with the sea of people and on her way to the bathroom.

She finally found it and rushed inside to do her business, thankfully there was no line. Strange for a women's bathroom, but Byeol wasn't about to question her good luck.

As soon as she sat down on the toilet, the lights went off and she heard an all too familiar voice.


Jeongin made his way back to the group after winning his race and wishing Jisung luck, only to keep looking for the one person he was dying to see.

"Hey, where's Byeol?" He asked Minki as he neared the group.

"She's not with you? I- She went to the bathroom before your race, I thought maybe she went down to the track to see you. Oh my god I'm such an idiot!" Tears started to fall from Minki's eyes and the panic was evident as her body began to shake.

Jaee noticed something was up and helped Minki sit down. "Hey, shh shh. What happened?"

"Byeol is missing." Jeongin spat out. He had to bite his lip from saying something he might regret. "I'm going to check the bathroom, you guys just let me know if you hear from her."

Jeongin made his way rather quickly to the bathroom and checked that it was empty before entering. "Byeol? Baby, it's me. Are you in here?"

He checked every stall but found nothing. Until he went to splash his face with water. A note was stuck to the mirror and the words made Jeongin's blood boil. He snatched the note and ran back to his friends, as fear began to sink in.

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