Chapter 32

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After Byeol fell asleep, Jeongin placed a kiss on her forehead then placed Innie in her arms before leaving the room and shutting her door quietly. He walked into the living room where he met his anxiously awaiting friends.

"How is she?" Felix looked up while sitting in Changbin's lap.

"Okay for now. I think she'll need to see a doctor though. Her shirt lifted a bit when I put her in bed and her stomach is really bruised. Hyunjin? I'm going to kill your cousin." Jeongin looked into Hyunjin's eyes as he spoke. His voice went dangerously low and everyone knew he wasn't kidding.

"For the shit he's done, I would even help you, but it's quite illegal. I think we can come up with a plan that doesn't land us in jail, yeah?" Hyunjin looked around the room, getting several nods of approval. He kissed Jae next to him then stood up. "I think we should let the girl's stay and take care of Byeol while we go hunt down Yeonjun. They can take her to the doctor when she wakes up."

The other boys followed his actions and stood up.

"Wait. You should talk to that Chan guy. Byeol told me that he is apparently friends with Yeonjun, but doesn't like the way he treats her. I'm sure he'd help you." Minki looked at the boys. "I'll get his number from Byeol's phone." She then went to sleeping girl's book bag and got her phone out. Minki sent the number to Hyunjin.

"I still don't like him, but maybe he can help. Thanks Minki. We should be back in a few hours, okay? Let me know when she wakes up please?" Jeongin looked at Minki with sad eyes and the girl smiled and nodded.

Hyunjin led the boys out and Jae closed the door behind them.

"Alright so... Netflix? I don't really know what else to do until she wakes up." Jae sat on the couch next to Minki and the girls picked a show to start watching as they waited for their friend to wake up.


Jeongin got in his car along with Hyunjin and Seungmin while the others piled into Jisung's car. As Jeongin started up his car, Hyunjin pulled out his phone and sent a text to the number that Minki had given him.

H: Hello, is this Chan? I'm Hyunjin, one of Byeol's friends.

He waited for a response as Jeongin started to drive around the city. His phone finally dinged after a few minutes.

C: Hey, yeah it's Chan. Is Byeol okay? What happened?

H: Heh, not really. Yeonjun cornered her in school today and beat her up. She's sleeping at home right now, but Jeongin said there's some bruising on her stomach. Anyway, Minki told us that your friends with him, so do you know where he'd be right now? He's my cousin, but when he does shit like this, I won't hesitate to put him in his place.

C: Oh shit. Um, yeah, we are actually supposed to meet at the tracks in 10 minutes and just drive around before doing some work stuff, but I can stall him until you get here. And I'll help with whatever you want to do. He's become such a bitch recently, and I'm sick of it. No offense, since he's your cousin.

H: Haha, no you're good. I feel the same. Okay, I'll let you know when we are close.

C: Sounds good.

Hyunjin sent a text to Felix to let him know to head to the tracks, then told Jeongin where to go. The 20 minute car ride was filled with a tense silence. When they were about 2 minutes away, Hyunjin sent the text to Chan. They pulled up to the tracks, parked, and quickly but quietly headed to where Chan had told them to go. They heard some voices nearby and slowed to a stop as Changbin peeked his head around the corner.

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