Chapter 36

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After a 10 minute car ride/jam session, the four girls arrived at Hyunjin's house and walked inside since the guys were already there. They made their way to the living room where they could hear the guys acting like themselves.

As they entered the room, the sight of Felix and Jisung having a Fortnight-Dance off met them. Hyunjin was hyping them both up while Changbin and Seungmin were watching from the couch with judgemental looks on their faces. But Jeongin was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey guys!" Byeol greeted as she walked in and sat next to Changbin and Jinhye sat with Seungmin. Minki and Jae walked to their boyfriends and greeted them with hugs and kisses, interrupting the dance session. "Uh, where's Jeongin?"

"He had to go pick up Hana, his dad had to leave for work," Changbin answered from beside her.

"Oh okay. So how'd the races go?" Byeol settled more into the corner of the couch making enough space for Felix when he came to sit between her and Changbin.

"We won of course!" Jisung shouted from the other side of the room as he picked Minki up and spun her around before attacking her face with kisses while her giggles filled the room. "How was the mall?" Jisung asked the girls as he finally rested Minki in front of him and locked her in a back hug with his arms and rested his head on top of hers.

"Um, it was good." Byeol put on a smile she hoped was convincing as the other girls looked a little uneasy.

Hyunjin noticed Jae tense up at the question leaned down to her ear. "Baby did something happen at the mall?"

"Nope. Just some bonding time between us girls!" Jae turned and kissed Hyunjin's nose before dragging him to the loveseat and cuddling with him.

Jisung sat on the floor and pulled Minki into his lap just as the front door opened and closed. A few seconds later, Jeongin walked into the room carrying a sleeping Hana.

"Hey, can I take her up to your room?" Jeongin looked over to Hyunjin who nodded his head, and Jeongin headed up the stairs and returned a few minutes later. He walked over to Byeol and grabbed her hands to pull her up from the couch and into a hug as he kissed the top of her head then led her to the other empty loveseat as he sat down and she took a seat on his lap.
"So, what're we doing now?" Seungmin asked as he pulled Jinhye closer into his side.

"Ooh, could we watch a movie?" Jae looked up at Hyunjin who only smiled at her.

"You guys up for a movie?" Hyunjin looked around the room and saw everyone nodding.

Changbin stood up and turned Netflix on then tossed the remote to Hyunjin who started scrolling through the movies. He then returned to his seat on the couch and Felix cuddled into his side.

"Nothing scary in case Hana wakes up and comes down, please." Jeongin said from his seat with Byeol.

"Ooh! How about Lilo and Stitch!" Minki squealed from Jisung's lap.

A chorus of agreement was enough for Hyunjin as he selected the movie and settled back in his seat with Jae. The movie started and everyone watched, laughing at Jisung and Felix who would often mimic Stitch's voice. About halfway through the movie, Hana made her way into the room and over to Jeongin and Byeol while she still rubbed her eyes. Byeol picked up the young girl and hugged Hana to her chest as she cuddled back into Jeongin and started watching the movie again, not even noticing when she drifted off to sleep.

The next thing she knew, Byeol was being shaken gently by Jeongin as he placed butterfly kisses all over her face. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her boyfriend.

"What time is it?" Byeol closed her eyes and yawned.

"Late. Come on, let's get you home." Jeongin picked Hana up from Byeol's lap then helped his girlfriend stand up. Jeongin handed a now-sleeping Hana to Byeol as he grabbed all of their stuff. The couple said their goodbyes and headed out to Jeongin's car, got in, then headed to Byeol's apartment.

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