Chapter 5

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The next morning, Byeol woke up as she felt sun rays shining on her face. She opened her eyes and immediately closed them as she groaned, blinded by the light shining through the window. After preparing herself this time, Byeol opened her eyes and blinked a few times, letting her hazel eyes adjust to the sunlight. She sat up and stretched while yawning before noticing some clothes and a note on the bedside table:

"Good morning Byeol! So, we forgot to pack clothes so the guys are letting us borrow some of theirs. If the pants, don't fit, suck it up and make them. Feel free to shower. Breakfast should be ready around 9. 


Byeol checked the clock and it read 8:47, so she got up and grabbed the clothes before heading to the bathroom to shower. After stripping and washing off last night's makeup, Byeol dried herself and put on the clothes. She grabbed the sweatshirt and immediately noted the scent lingering on it. Taking a deep sniff she smiled at the comforting scent then put the sweatshirt on. She'd figure out who's it was later.

The sweatshirt was basically a dress on her and the sleeves were extremely long, so Byeol rolled the sleeves until they were sweater paws. Had it only been her and Minki, she would have skipped the pants, but Byeol figured more people would be around. She pulled on the sweat pants which fit, except the were a little long, so she again rolled the cuffs until they were at her ankles. After brushing her hair and setting it in a messy bun on her head, Byeol headed downstairs to see who else was here.

As she got to the bottom of the stairs, Byeol noticed that the house looked super clean. She heard music and laughing coming from the kitchen. She walked in and stopped when she saw Minki and Jae dancing and singing as they made some food. Byeol smiled at the two girls and just observed. Jisung, Seungmin and Hyunjin were seated at a table talking and didn't notice Byeol's presence until she started to walk in but slipped in some wet substance on the floor. After her butt hit the ground followed by a shriek, all heads turned to Byeol.

"Uh, good morning?" The poor girl was so embarrassed as Minki and Jae helped her up while laughing at her.

"Jae, I thought you cleaned the floors," Hyunjin came over to check on the girl.

"I did! I must've just missed a spot." Jae pecked Hyunjin's cheek after he saw that Byeol was okay. "Alright, now who's ready to eat? Pancakes are ready!"

Minki placed a large plate of pancakes on the table in front of the boys and then sat next to Jisung. Jae followed her to the table, sitting next to Hyunjin. Byeol smiled at Seungmin before sitting down next to him.

"So Byeol," Jisung stuffed a whole pancake in his mouth, "did you have fun last night?"

Everyone chuckled at Jisung's question except for Byeol, her face went bright red and she placed her hands over her face, trying to hide her rosy cheeks.

"Oh my god, please tell me I didn't do anything stupid. I only remember heading to the bathroom, but everything after that is a blur."

"Wait, so you don't remember bumping into Yeonjun and spilling his drink on his shirt, crying because you found me and Jae, or throwing a fit and crying when we cut you off from the shots?" Minki was trying to hold her laugh back as Byeol kept looking more and more embarrassed.

"I really did all that?"

"Yep. You were actually sobbing on the ground." Seungmin smiled as he remembered Byeol's drunken tantrum. "Jeongin had to carry you to bed."

Byeol's face was already red, but it turned about 5 shades darker as Seungmin mentioned the boy that she had developed a crush on. Everyone at the table chuckled at Byeol's embarrassment.

"You guys talking about me?" The poor girl couldn't catch a break. She choked on air as she heard Jeongin's voice. Turning around, she saw the red haired boy walk into the kitchen as he smiled and sat next to her.

"Not exactly, just telling Byeol what all she did last night," Hyunjin's words made Jeongin blush as he remembered what she said on the stairs.

"Oh, I see." Jeongin turned to the blushing girl and smiled. "Do you by chance remember anything you said to me while I was taking you to the room?"

Byeol bit her bottom lip and looked up as she tried to think. Jeongin was mentally UwU-ing at how cute Byeol looked in his sweatshirt and her thinking face made her look 10 times cuter. Yep, he had definitely fallen for the girl.

The girl shook her head side to side before she gasped. "Wait, did I say something embarrassing? Oh my gosh, it was the alcohol talking, I swear." Everyone at the table chuckled at Byeol's embarrassment for the fourth time that morning as the girl groaned and laid her head on the table. Jeongin just patted her back before grabbing some pancakes for himself.

Changbin and Felix eventually joined everyone else in the kitchen and ate the remaining pancakes. The rest of the morning, the group stayed at the kitchen table. The guys were recalling some funny and kind of embarrassing stories of each other to make the girls laugh.

"-and right when we went to take the picture, Changbin's cake slid off of the plate and hit the ground!" Jisung finished speaking and Changbin rolled his eyes at the younger boy whereas the others in the room laughed at his misfortune.

Felix checked his phone because he was getting a buttload of notifications. "Oof, my mom wants me home. She needs me to babysit my sister." Felix stood up and kissed Changbin's head before saying goodbye and heading out of the house.

"Wait," Jae pulled out her phone and checked the time. "You guys, it's already noon. We spent all morning talking." She giggled. "I like spending time with all of you. Ooh! How about we go to the amusement park! SInce it's winter, there won't be so many people out."

Everyone around the table nodded in agreement.

"Byeol and I will need to go change into our own clothes and grab some money first, but that sounds like fun!" Minki stood up and walked to Byeol, pulling her up as well. "Let's go get our dresses before we forget."

The two girls retrieved their dresses from upstairs and came back downstairs to see a smiling Jisung and a blushing Jeongin waiting by the door. Minki gave a knowing smirk to her boyfriend as he opened the door for the girls and followed them to his car with Jeongin close behind him.

Minki slid into the passenger seat as Jisung got in the driver's seat. Byeol was already seated in the back and slightly pouted at her friend for leaving her, but started blushing once Jeongin sat down beside her. Jisung turned up the radio and he and Minki started singing along to the songs that played.

Jeongin scratched his neck and turned to the girl beside him.

"Uh, Byeol?"

"Hmm?" She turned to face him and blushed when she realized he was so close.

"Um, I was wondering, i-if you'd like to be my partner at the amusement park? While you and Minki were upstairs, the others decided to do the buddy system." He nervously smiled at the blushing girl in front of him.

"I'd love to, Jeongin." He smiled widely at her words, and she quickly returned the smile.

"Even if you had said 'no', you would've been stuck with me since everyone else was already taken." His statement cause Byeol to giggle and she turned back to the front only to see Minki smirking at her in the rearview mirror.

Jisung finally pulled up to Minki's house and they all got out of the car and headed in.

"Okay, we should be about ten minutes? You guys know where everything is." Minki pulled Byeol up the stairs and into her room as the two started changing into some clothes to go to the amusement park with their friends later.

Byeol was a smiling and blushing mess as she changed. Not only was she going out to have fun, but she was going with her friends. Friends other than just Minki and Jisung. And even better, she was going to be able to spend the whole time with the boy she had developed a growing crush on. Today was going to be amazing!

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