Chapter 15

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Jeongin had been holding a sleeping Byeol in his lap for the last hour. She finally started to stir awake and Jeongin pushed the loose hair out of her face as her eyes opened.

"Jeongin? What time is it?" Byeol rubbed her eyes as she sat up in his lap.

"Um, we have two classes left in the day." Jeongin handed Byeol her phone that was now cracked from when she threw it.

"What! I- I have to get to class!" Byeol stood up but was held back by Jeongin's hold on her hand. She turned around to face him as he stood as well.

"Byeol, what happened?" The way he looked at her, with so much care and concern, made Byeol want to just break down all over again. Jeongin wiped a stray tear from the girl's face and then lifted her chin so she was looking at him.

"Can we talk about this later? I just can't right now," Byeol felt her eyes filling with tears at the thoughts of everything that happened today, but she blinked them away before they fell.

Jeongin nodded his head and pulled Byeol into a warm hug. The girl laid her head on his chest and inhaled his cologne that seemed to calm her. His arms wrapped tightly around her body, holding her securely. After a minute, Jeongin reluctantly pulled away and looked at Byeol.

"You want to talk after school? We can get ice cream or something."

Byeol nodded and a slight smile appeared on her face. "Can Minki come too? I need to tell her about all of this."

Jeongin nodded his head. He was hoping it'd be just them, but he knew that Byeol needed Minki. He grabbed Byeol's hand and they started to leave the rooftop when Byeol gasped and faced Jeongin.

"I have detention after school! I can't go," she looked like she was about to cry.

"It's okay, we can go after." Byeol smiled at him and he walked her through the school and dropped her at her class. They had somehow managed to walk in during a class change, so nobody noticed their sudden arrival. Jeongin gave Byeol another hug before he left for his class.

After settling in her seat, Byeol focused on the teacher at the front of the room and went through the rest of her school day.

No more issues happened throughout the day and by the time the final bell rang, Byeol was in a better mood. She met Minki at her locker and as the two walked to the detention room, Byeol asked Minki about getting ice-cream later with her and Jeongin. The blonde-headed girl agreed and gave Byeol a hug before dropping her off at detention.

As she walked into the room, Byeol saw one of Yeonjun's friends sitting at the back corner, so she sat in the opposite corner. She checked her cracked phone and saw over 100 texts from her mom and a few  missed calls from Jeongin and Minki from earlier.

She sighed and was about to put her phone away, but someone snatched it from her hands instead. Looking up, Byeol saw a smirking Yeonjun holding her phone.

"Give it back, please." Byeol was in no mood to fight with the jerk, but from the look on his face, he wasn't about to give up.

"Aww why sweetheart? I just want to have some fun in here. It's so boring otherwise." Yeonjun was about to unlock her phone when it was snatched out of his hands. "Hey what the-"

"If she asked you for her phone, then give it back to her. Now shoo. Don't bother us while we're stuck in here," Jeongin handed a confused Byeol her phone back as he sat next to her. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Jeongin, what are you doing here?"

"I have detention too. Apparently someone ratted me out for skipping after lunch and my teacher found me and punished me." He half-smiled at the girl as she stuck her phone in her bag

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