Chapter 37

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The next day Byeol and Jeongin had to drop Hana at her school first, so they were a bit tired, but they made it to their own school just in time. Byeol sat down in her first period class and her seatmate, Nayeon, greeted her. They got to talking about the homework from over the weekend until their teacher came in and collected it. He started the lesson and Byeol began taking notes, listening intently to what her teacher was saying.

Before she knew it, the bell was ringing and the other students were leaving. Byeol quickly gathered her supplies and headed out of the room and was on her way to her next class. She found it and sat down at her assigned place, dreading her seatmate's arrival. Soobin entered the room however, just before the teacher and slumped in his seat next to Byeol.


Soobin's deep voice caught Byeol off guard, but she ignored him. Well, she tried to.

"Hey." He spoke again, and this time he waved his hand in front of her face.

"Shh, the lesson is starting." Byeol pushed Soobin's hand away. And turned her attention towards the front where their teacher was beginning to speak.

"Listen, I know you don't like me, but I need to warn you about something. Can you meet at the rooftop during lunch? Bring whoever you want. Yeonjun doesn't know I'm doing this, but it's really important. I don't particularly like or dislike you, but what Yeonjun is planning is wrong and you could end up dead or really hurt," at his last words, Byeol looked over to Soobin with wide eyes. "Please just come, I can't go on knowing that I did nothing to stop what he's planning."

Byeol looked down at her notebook and nodded her head. Soobin whispered a 'thank you' and started taking notes as his attention turned back to the teacher and the lesson.

Soobin's words however stayed in the back of Byeol's mind, keeping her from being able to concentrate. When the bell sounded, announcing the end of the class and the beginning of Byeol's free period, she hastily packed up her things and headed to the library to spend her free period.

She sat down at an empty desk and pulled out her phone, sending a text to Jeongin and Chan.

B: hey, soobin asked me to meet him on the roof at lunch. can you guys come with me?

C: Why does he want to meet?

B: he said that yeonjun was planning something bad and he doesn't want to be a part of it..

C: Sketchy. But yeah, I can be there. You definitely don't need to go alone. When is lunch for you?

J: Hold up. I just saw all of this. I'm going too. Byeol, I'll swing by and get you from the library. And Chan lunch is in 20 minutes.

C: Alright, I'll be there soon.

B: thanks guys, i really appreciate it!

Byeol set her phone aside and pulled out a book to read for the remaining minutes of her free period. She was so engrossed in the book that when the seat in front of her became occupied, she didn't even notice. Only when the person coughed did Byeol notice them.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" Byeol put her book down and glared at Jisung as he innocently smiled.

"Sorry," he chuckled and messed with his hair as Byeol rolled her eyes.

"Um, do you need something Jisung?" Byeol gave her friend a KUNfused look.

"Hm? Oh, right. Not really. Jeongin text me and asked me to stay with you until he gets here. He's apparently on edge because of something that Soobin said? I wasn't busy anyway, Statistics was boring." Jisung pulled out his phone and began to watch youtube videos.

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