Ch.5 Happy now?

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*Denki POV*

        I realized I just wrapped myself around Shinso without permission and I didn't even know if he was gay, bi, or pan. I'm not sure if I should speak up about it or not cause he is indeed blushing but thats a normal thing to do when someone does what I did. "So not to make this anymore awkward but are you even like gay or anything? Cause if not I'm definitely gonna feel like shit." I said unwrapping myself from him. "I-I'm not exactly out of the closet but I am bi..." He said his voice trailing off. "Well then that eases my mind a little." I said laughing a tiny bit. "I assume your bi or gay then. You don't seem like a pansexual." He said looking over to me. "Gay." I said nonchalantly, and Shinso nodded. I don't exactly know what Shinso and I are either. Are we even friends? Like friends with -very tiny- benefits maybe. I mean I barely know him how could I know if I truly like him already? "Well we've been cuddling basically all weekend so we should get to know each other atleast. Then you can do what everyone else does and hate me." I said looking up through the trees. "I doubt I'll hate you, and we could play twenty-one questions to get to know each other better." Shinso suggested. I nodded, "I'll start then. Favorite food?" I asked curiously. "Fair fries. What's your favorite after school activity? Like sport." Shinso asked. "Soccer." I said. "Woah I expected like some strong manly football player who's secretly gay. But soccer, makes you unique." Shinso said and we both busted out laughing. We continued to ask each other questions back and forth till someone busted through the bushes. "DENKI!" someone yelled. Shinso and I jolted up to see Mina. "Oh great." I said sarcasticly. "Well we saw footprints from your shoes so we all decided to search the forest, and why is Shinso here?" She asked looking both of us up and down. "Because he followed me and I didn't mind his company." I say flopping back down. Just then Kirishima pops out of the bushes too. "Hey you found hi- I mean them." Kirishima says confused. "Shinso followed him here and they've been together ALL WEEKEND." Mina shouted. Shinso was trying to keep his cool because he didn't want people to know what I knew. "Will you chill out. He followed me cause he was worried. He's not even gay, or bi, or pan. He knows I'm gay but I explained I'm not gonna go around trying to date him. That's already been clarified." I said closing my eyes. "That's true."  Shinso said flopping back onto the grass beside me.

*Mina POV* 

       So these two have been here -alone- all weekend basically and Shinso isn't even into boys in any potential way. "I find that hard to believe." I said. "You should see his girlfriend then, I mean damn if I wasn't gay even I'd want to date her." Denki said nonchalantly. "Woah bro don't be trying to steal my women and magically ungay yourself." Shinso said and they both busted out laughing. Even Kirishima had to laugh. "You two have bonded I see." I say crossing my arms. "What not like I'm gonna ignore him the whole time he's here just chilling with me." Denki says peaking a rude glance at me. "What is your deal. You have one issue and you completely ignore us. We only want to help!" I screamed at Denki angrily. Denki stood up and climbed up a tree. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He went out of our view and when he came back he had rope around his neck. "DENKI NO!" Kirishima yells running over and trying to climb the tree. "Fcking happy now?" Denki asks. "WHAT THE HELL NO! I'M ONLY SCOLDING YOU BECAUSE YOU WORRY ME. YOUR SCARING ME EVEN MORE NOW!" I yell to him tears rolling down my face. "Is this really what she wanted?" Shinso asks out of the blue. "N-no." Denki says sitting on the edge of a branch, his hands holding his face. "Then why are you doing this?" Shinso asks. "B-because it's easier." Denki says his voice trembling. "Come on down." Shinso says walking closer to the tree. "N-no." Denki says. You could see the tears falling off Denki's cheeks onto his shirt.  "Then take the rope off and give it to me." Shinso says. For some unknown reason Denki listens and throws the rope down to Shinso and plants his face back onto his hands. "You have five minutes then I'm coming back and making you get out of that tree." Shinso says waving Kirishima and I to follow him. Once were alone he says. "Don't ask how I did just know I am bisexual and if you tell anyone I'll kill you." Shinso says peaking back at Denki. "Knew it." I mumbled "Now isn't the time to be worrying about me being half gay. I obviously figured some stuff out about him, and yes I like him a lot so I'm gonna force him out of a tree. Please leave or hide in the bushes and tell everyone he's okay." Shinso said and we nodded and started to 'leave'. I obviously was hiding in the bushes, and so did Kirishima.

*Shinso POV*

     I walked back over to the tree and Denki was laying on his stomach now, his limbs hanging off the branch. "Come down now." I said. I didn't get a response but I definitely wasn't being obeyed. "No more cuddles." I said crossing my arms. He moves his head toward me and said, "Rude." I was getting somewhere with him atleast. I decided to just climb up the tree. I pulled him by his leg towards me and stood him up. I pulled him into a hug and he began to cry again. He nuzzled into my neck and stayed there. "I-I'm sorry." He mumbled into my ear. "It's okay, but could you stop crying? Your to cute to cry." I said and received a tiny giggle from him as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "Wan't to come down now?" I asked. He looked confused so I hopped down and waved him down. After a moment of silence and a confused looking Denki staring off into space he hopped down and planted himself down resting his back on the tree. I sat beside him and he flopped his head onto my shoulder. I started playing with his hair till he fell asleep. Then a paper airplane flew my way and I caught it. It was Mina's number so I added it into my contacts quickly returning to play with Denki's hair.

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