Chapter 2: Hot Topic/Damion

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READ: Hey my lil' munchkins! Sorry haven't uploaded in FOREVER. Ugh, so tired... you're lucky i like you people... So, I need your help, should Katrina fall for a One Direction member, or her unknown kidnapper? BTW she never saw his face. Which One Direction member should she fall for? ON WITH THE STORY!


Katrina's POV

My breathing became normal again. I finally stopped crying for what seemed like ages. My throat and eyes hurt from crying so much. I was so emotionally depressed right now. I'm so hungry. My thoughts just kept jumping around. I finally lifted my head from my knees. I screamed when i saw my dad at the window looking very worried.

"Shh. Kit-Kat, it's only me. Open up?" He asked. I was glad it was just him there instead of the 'Boys'. I would've been big time embarrassed. I reluctantly unlocked the door and crawled out of the car. My dad enveloped me in a big warm hug. I sighed and pulled at the ends of my hair in deep thought.

"You don't have to tell them anything just say you'd rather not talk about it." He told me as we started walking back into the building and down to the lounge.

"Okay daddy" I said.


Harry's POV

Uh oh. What did I say? I just asked her why. I dont see any harm. I still felt guilt rush through me.

Liam's POV

Harry. Just. Made. Our. Bodyguard's. Daughter. Cry.

That thought just ran through me at lightning speed. I hit Harry in the back of the head. Louis and Niall started laughing.

"Ow! What was that for!?!" Harry yelled. Louis was laughing so hard he was leaning on Niall for support.

"For making Paul's daughter cry!" I yelled back. His face softened.

"I don't even know what i did wrong." He said. I just shrugged. Ugh, that boy... Just then, Paul and Katrina walked in with Paul's arm around her shoulders.


Katrina's POV

We walked into the room and everyone turned their gazes to us. I felt extemely awkward. I mean who wouldn't? My dad cleared his throat. But, before anyone else could say anything, i spoke.

"Hey guys. I-i'm really sorry for running out of here crying?" I said/asked awkwardly.

"No, i'm really sorry Katrina, I didn't mean to upset you in any way!" Harry said, feeling guilty. He felt he was responsible? What is he talking about? Ohh yea...

"Oh my gosh! No! It's actually my fault I broke down.." I said. He looked at me weirdly and confused but he just shrugged it off. My dad looked at his watch and sighed.

"Well, boys do you still want to go to the mall?" He asked while clasping his hands together. I really want to go still. I needed some new clothes, my other ones got a little... ruined. I looked at all of the boys expressions. They all looked extremely excited. I laughed.

"YES!!!" Three of the boys screamed.

"Sure." Liam said calmly.

I laughed at the boys, they were so hyper. Well, except for Liam and Zayn, they both seemed calm and mature. They're now my favorites out of all of the boys. I smiled for no reason. Zayn and Liam were both pretty attractive.

The Daughter of a Bodyguard (One Direction Fan-Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora