OUTWORLD: Sun Dogs Epilogue

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"I cannot believe," Sorcha declared, throwing back another slimy cup of barely-liquid coffee, "that we're still here."

She sat at the table in the commons along with Sylvester and Nia, both of them looking just as fed up as she felt. "I miss home," Nia said softly.

"I miss food," Sylvester grumbled, picking at a honey waffle.

Sorcha sighed and leaned back in her chair. It had been two days since the OSA Fleet Support Vessel Mabel to Shore had docked with the Olly Olly Oxen Free, and somehow the repairs being done still weren't complete. To make matters worse, they could be heard all through the ship, including here in the commons. The deck vibrated as whoever was using a rivet pounder used it again.

Sorcha blew air from her muzzle. She was definitely sleeping better, but there were still some odd dreams. Sometimes she'd get flashes of Planet One, sometimes images of the city. Her most recent dream had been of the dark weapon chamber; she remembered hearing snippets of Amaterasu's voice telling her about an act of calculated blasphemy, about how the followers of the darkness had built their weapon in the heart of her temple. Sorcha couldn't tell if it was simply memories mixed with anxiety, or something else.

She rubbed her eyes and tried to think more about physical facts. Apparently, the detonation of the Weapon of Light had taken out most of the immediate city district, according to reports from the ship's scopes, and Planet One was thawing fast, its terrain and climate now tropical again from fairly close proximity to Carolyn M6. It would get steadily hotter; Sorcha wondered, especially taking into account the geothermal systems and heat-retaining stone back in the city, just how hot Carolyn One had been way back when. How had the natives survived it? Sorcha wasn't willing to discount the possibility that they had been reptiles.

What bothered Sorcha the most was the feeling that, after all that had happened in this system over the last few days, everyone was giving her odd looks, even her own team. She'd recounted it several times to Sylvester alone, and she knew he still couldn't quite process it.

How could he?

She decided to air her laundry, as the saying went on Summerkin. "Look, do you lot still think I'm a weirdo?"

Sylvester paused in mid-scoff, clearing his mouth before he answered her. "No, Sor. No, we don't think that."

"We really don't," Nia added.

Sorcha still didn't feel convinced. "I see you giving me that look all the time."

"Sor," Sylvester said, turning to face her a little more, "Right now, I don't even know what's worse: the fact that we were all nearly obliterated, the fact that some kind of something-or-other just tried to eat a sun, or the fact that I'm still alive and have to share quarters and facilities with two Foxes and a Dog for who knows how much longer."

Sorcha couldn't help but smirk. "That is a tough one." She took an uneaten waffle from Sylvester's plate and nibbled on it. "I know it's all a lot to take in, but spare a thought for me. I'd been having those visions since I was a kit."

She looked up at the others, saw their faces, and rolled her eyes. "See, there it is again."

"No, no," Nia protested airily, her muzzle twitching. "We're, uh, just, uh, concerned."

"Yeah. You're concerned that I'm gonna kill you in your sleep," Sorcha muttered. "Why can't you just be honest with me?" She turned to Sylvester. "Like you, having your silly little crush on me."

Sylvester's whiskers stuck out straight. "Mmrmm...ppphhhhht," he replied, his eyes flicking elsewhere. "Nia!"

"Sorry, Sylvester," Nia giggled from behind her paw.

The door to the commons slid open and a frazzled, sleep-deprived Jillian stumbled in. She stopped at the table and bared her teeth in a show of canine irritation. "You know, I have had to report this whole bleedin' thing ten times to OSA Command, and they still don't believe it," she woofed, glaring at everyone; Sorcha knew that most of that glare was going on her. "If I have to give that report once more, I'm gonna start eating my fur." She slumped into the nearest chair.

"Coffee?" Sylvester asked her, sliding a freshly-poured cup in her direction. Jillian merely snarled at it.

"Quick, someone get her a Wendy house and some rockets," Nia tittered.

Jillian moaned and rested her muzzle in her arms. "Uuuuurgh. I so wanted to be out of here by now. I mean, c'mon! My five percent discount at World Of Colanders has probably just expired."

"Sure is taking them a long time," Sorcha said.

"Yeah, well, they finally offloaded Chesney to the FSV for medevac," Jillian went on. "This isn't exactly a hospital ship." She turned to Nia. "Oh, and Goodwin. Just letting you know the medic is still terrified of you after what happened a few days ago."

"Great," Nia responded with a note of vague and quite sarcastic celebration.

"Boland go with her?" Sylvester asked.

"I let him," Jillian said with a slight grin. "He was a bit lost without his teammate. Yeah, she was a mardy little bag, but I hope she pulls through."

"Don't think we'll be going out with them next time," Sylvester said.

Sorcha shook her head. "Naw. Maybe we'll get Connie and Aiden again." She was suddenly taken by a vision of Aiden, his sparkling vulpine eyes, distinguished muzzle and gingery fur filling her mind. Lot of possibilities there, she thought dreamily.

A faint voice brought her back to the table. "O'Riordan, you're drooling," Jillian was telling her with a slight laugh. "You alright over there?"

Sorcha blinked and licked her muzzle. "Yeah. Quite fine." She sipped at her cup and smiled.

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