Chapter 8:Finally Leaving Johto

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"Are you sure you want to leave today?" Lyra asked me.

"Yea. We shouldn't stay in one place for to long." I replied.

"Can you even walk yet?" Star asked. I nodded and stood, then fell straight back down as I winced at the pain.

"You're staying another day. You even have Scorcher to protect you." Lyra said.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"While you rest I'm going to help star catch her next Pokemon." Lyra said after a minute.

"Alright. Good luck Star." I said.

They left me in the Pokemon center alone once again. At least Scorcher is by my side once again. I rubbed his head as I sat with him beside me.

"Ty." He purred. I fell into a light sleep.

Star Pov.

We walked south from the Pokemon center until we reached the edge of town. Fang was in my arms, nudging my arm with her noes. She must be ready for a fight.

"Ok Star, when you find a Pokemon you want. You must weaken it before you try to catch it. If you throw a pokeball at a Pokemon before it's weak, it'll get away." Lyra explained. I nodded. We continued to walk partially into the forest. I began to scan around for a Pokemon I would like.

A few leaves fell to my right. I looked up in the tree and saw a...Caterpie. I moved back slightly and continued to look. I don't really like bug Pokemon, so I tend to stay away from them.

A bush to my left began to shake. Fang jumped out of my arms and waited for my commands. An Eevee came out of the bush. I want her.

"Fang, use scratch." I commanded as I pointed toward the Eevee. She looked our way and growled. Fang ran toward the Eevee, claws glowing white. Eevee ran toward Fang. Fang's claws made contact with Eevee's shoulder. Fang jumped back and Eevee stumbled slightly. She shook her body then charged at Fang again.

"Fang dodge! Then use water gun!" I quickly said. Fang jumped up right before Eevee could tackle her. Fang looked down toward the helpless Eevee and shot water from her mouth. The strong stream hit Eevee hard in her face. She fell to the ground. Fang landed behind her, turned and grinned. I took this chance to catch the Eevee.

"Go pokeball!" I shouted. Eevee just looked up when the ball hit her forehead. She turned into red light and was absorbed into the capsule. It shook once rapidly. I held my breath as it shook again. So far, so good. It shook a third time then stopped.

"Alright! I caught Eevee!" I cheered. Fang ran over to me and jumped up and down, cheering with me.

"Totodile!" She cheered. I picked up my new friend's pokeball. I don't know who I want her to become, so I'll name her Shard. I tossed up her pokeball and she landed gracefully beside Fang.

"Hi Shard, I'm Star and this is Fang." I introduced us and Lyra walked over to me.

"Very good Star. You caught Eevee like a pro." Lyra complemented me.

"Thanks! It was with your help that I caught my new friend!" I said. She nodded.

"We should head back to the Pokemon center. Shard would need to rest and I think we need to help Sharon look out for Silver." Lyra said. I nodded and returned Shard to her pokeball. Fang was at my feet, so I picked her up. We began to walk back to Goldenrod City. I noticed dark clouds in the distance. At least they aren't from Lugia. We walked in silence and listened to the distant rumble of thunder.

Sharon Pov.

I woke up to an Eevee sitting on my stomach. I was a bit surprised. She stared at me. What does she want?

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