Chapter 7: Grateful

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Star Pov.

The fight was horrid, but I noticed that Lugia seems distracted. What could take most of his attention away? There are twelve pokemon fighting him, but he doesn't pay to much attention to them. He looked over to where I stood over Sharon. He glared at her.

He began to charge aura around his body. Many twisters formed around him. I counted thirteen in total. One was shot at every pokemon and one was aimed directly at Sharon. I didn't know what to do. Fang jumped out of my arms. She shot out water from her mouth.

"Fang, what are you doing?!" I yelled. She was trying to divert the twister, but her Water Gun isn't strong enough. Yet I must try to believe she can break it up. "Give it your all Fang!"

The twister started to waver, then it fell apart. Dark misty aura flew through the air. Lugia growled at me. The others were back to attacking Lugia, pulling his attention away from Sharon and me.

I looked down at Sharon, and she seemed to be struggling with something. But what?

"Lugia!" Lugia roared before diving underwater. No one moved a muscle. We were all waiting for him to come back up. I heard Sharon begin to move beside me. I looked over and she had just opened her eyes.

"Sharon! You're awake!" I said in relief and excitement. She had a smile spread across her face. "What's with the smile?"

"You'll s-see." She grinned through pain.

Bubbles began to rise to the surface of the water. A white blur flew out of the water quickly. It hovered over us. A pure white body with blue. A normal Lugia. He is so beautiful.

Sharon Pov.

Lugia rose up out of the water, looking like his normal self. I slowly sat up, ignoring the pain in my back.

"Thank you Sharon for your help." The mighty beast said. Lyra and Star looked at me, confusion in their eyes. "For your help, I will do anything for you."

"What did you do Sharon?" Lyra asked.

"I'll tell you later." I grinned. My pokemon ran over to me. Glacier sat on my lap. Everyone else crowded around me. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I assured them. Lyra handed me my pokeballs and I returned everyone except Scorcher.

I heard a step behind us. Scorcher began to growl. Oh no, that can only mean one thing. I turned my head toward the stepping sound. To me, it's the sound of evil. My eyes grew wide as I saw Silver standing in the door way. He was grinning wildly.

"No, not now!" I yelled. Scorcher limped his way between me and Silver. Lyra's Meganium walked up beside him.

"Who is that?" Star asked. I looked up at her.

"Long story short, he wants to kill me." I explained. I looked back over at him. That Celebi floated right beside him. All we can do is fight, no running. I can't even stand without pain shooting up my legs and back.

Silver tossed up another pokeball. It let out a red beam that formed into a sunflower like shape. The red light vanished, leaving a dead Sunflora. It's green vine like body was black. It's face was red and it's petals were withered and dark yellow. The poor pokemon was completely wilted.

"So are you giving up yet?" Silver grinned. I looked Scorcher, who looked tired then back at Silver. Rage grew within me replacing my fear. I don't know why I'm I raged though. I completely fear Silver.

"No! I'll never give up! I need to go home. You won't stop me from doing that!" I yelled. He continued to grin.

"If that is what you desire, Sunflora use energy ball." He replied. Sunflora pulled her leaves up. Cracking sounds came from her as she moved. A green ball of energy began to form between her leaves. She was aiming for me. The rage was replaced with fear once again.

"Meganium counter it with energy ball!" Lyra yelled. Meganium shot a green energy ball and it collided with the other.

"Sharon, would you like me to help you?" Lugia asked. I shook my head.

"No, we can handle him. Save that favor for when we need it." I replied. He landed by the waterfall.

I turned my attention back to Silver. "Scorcher! Use Fire Blast!" I yelled. Scorcher charged up a blast of fire within his maw. The ports on his neck shot out major flames. He opened his maw, releasing the fire blast. The star shaped fire wrapped around Sunflora.

"Sun!" Sunflora screamed. She still stood when the fire vanished.

"Now Sunflora, use solar beam!" Silver commanded. The dark yellow petals began to glow. Energy formed around her head, covering her face in blinding light.

"Fang! Stop!" Star said as Fang jumped out of her arms. Sunflora shot her solar beam. Fang jumped in front of it, protecting Scorcher and me. She flew over toward the edge of the lake. I stared at Fang's unmoving body. "Fang!"

"Scorcher finish this with Flame Wheel!" I yelled. Fire poured out of the ports on his neck, wrapping him within the fire. He got down on all fours, ignoring the pain from his injured leg. He charged at Sunflora, making contact. She flew back into the wall, falling to the ground.

"Sunflora return." Silver growled. He backed out of the cavern and disappeared into the caves. I sighed when he was gone. I stood up, wincing at the pain in my back. I slowly walked over to Star who was kneeling beside Fang. Pain shot up my legs every step I took. I collapsed beside Star.

"She is a brave pokemon. We need to focus on getting back to the pokemon center. So she will be alright. Ok Star?" I told her. She looked at me, tears running down her cheeks. She slowly nodded. She pulled out Fang's pokeball and returned him.

"Hang in there Fang." She whispered. Scorcher limped up behind me.

"You deserve a rest too." I told him, patting his head. I returned him to his pokeball. Lyra walked over to us.

"How much are you hurt Sharon?" Lyra asked, looking down at me.

"'s hard to walk so...quite a bit hurt." I replied. She sighed.

"Alakazam will have to teleport us." She sighed.

"What about my favor?" Lugia asked. I looked up at him.

"Just keep in contact somehow and I'll call for you." I told him. He nodded then dived into the lake. Lyra brought out Alakazam and he began to teleport us.

He teleported us to Goldenrod City. We enter the pokemon center and hand nurse Joy our pokemon.

"It will be a day. You need to let your Totodile rest." Joy told Star. "He should be fine though."

"You guys go explore if you want. I'm going to stay here to rest." I told them while rubbing a bump on my back.

"Ok Sharon. I'll leave Houndoom here in case Silver shows." Lyra said. She pulled out a pokeball and release the dark hound beside me.

"Thanks Lyra. See you later." I said as they left. I laid back and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.

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